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I hope you can find all kinds of helpful info here. I hope you will enjoy broadening your mind and opening yourself up to the limitless possibilities that await you. Brightest blessings to all!

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Thought for the day:

Life is an echo - what you send out does comes back.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

The journey of spiritual awakening by Steve Nobel

Here is a little note written by my friend, Steve Nobel. He just came home from a couple of meetings and felt inspired to write it. It flowed out in about 15 minutes and then he thought he would share it with me and I'm sharing it with you. I hope it speaks to you and your journey.

Hi there, says Steve.

This note is about the journey of spiritual awakening and although everyone's journey is unique I have found that there are common characteristics that may touch us all (I am speaking here of lightworkers rather than beings that are at the stage of exploring material existence only). I have presented this journey as linear with one step following anopther, yet the experience may feel more like different steps happening simultaneoulsy:

The Seeking of the Holy Grail:
First there is the seeking, this may happen from adolescence or even earlier and is the sense of missing something, or knowing that there is more to life than what is being presented. In this period there can be times where the search is released and 'normal' life is embraced. In time this yearning for answers and something more comes back with greater force and intensity. The re-ignition of the search can come thorugh some incident or set of incidents that lead you to question reality. Perhaps there is a spiritual search and a deep questioning about life, self, God and the Universe. Perhaps you seek to know more about areas such as: crop cirecles, UFO's, extra-terrestial life.

The Resistance:
In this search there is a resistance which will manifest either as the internal critic/doubter or as external blocking forces or usually as both. Often people will say that you are crazy and wasting your life. Loved ones can become particularly freaked out by your 'spiritual'tendencies. Perhaps you wonder if you are really weird and everyone else has it right! This is normal and nothing to worry about. It is quite natural to resist what the ego cannot understand.

The Awakening Moment:
There comes a moment in the search where something just clicks. It could arise from a meditation,or visiitng a place, or reading a book or seeing a film, or through a conversation. An inner light goes on and somethng is radically different. perjaps there are a number of small experiences that lead to a bigger experience of the transcendent within. The experience is hard to explain to most other people. Perhaps there is a yearning to connect with people who can understand this experience.

Transformation Level 1:
Perhaps this leads to a spiritual practise, and the integration of this in daily life leads to some very real changes. Both internally in the way you think and feel, and externally in the way you relate with the world.

The Wilderness Period:
At a certain point there may come a yearning to retreat from the world and explore your inner world and with the transcendent. Perhaps there is a sense of connecting with spirit guides or angelic beings. This retreat from the world is necessary for most. This period is about more than just finding space,it is about another deeper level of inner transformation. The ego is being re-aligned with the Higher Self. This period of inner transformation heralds an external transformation in the world. However, the risk for some is in spending too long in this period and in resisting coming back and re-engaging with the world.

Re-connecting with the World:
In time, there is a need to come backto the world. To re-engage in a dififerent way. Perhaps there is a radical shift in your friendships, romantic relationships, work life, or sense of direction and purpose in the world.

Learning to Create Reality:
One of the things we have mostly come here to learn is to influence, create, and dream reality into being from the inside out. For some this is an integralpart of their life mission, for others it is a subsidiary aspectof their mission on earth. Once we know how to create reality from our dreams and intentions we can learn learn how to co-create reality into being with the higher forces in the Universe.

Aligning With Your Mission:
Now you have a better sense of mission and direction and what you have come here on the earth to do. For some this mission is individual and huge, they are the pioneers who come to create a new way. Others have come to support such visions and work together cooperatively to create a new earth.A mission can be about anything from parenting the next star-seed generation, to writing and opening the minds of others, to singing and inspiring the hearts of others, to working energtically to transform a pattern in the mass mind, to working with balancing the male/female dynamic, to transforming the ego-mind, to working to anchor new energies on the earth with angelic/light-beings.

Steve Nobel

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