The rule is harming none and respecting all living things - including their free will.
A few days to keep in mind:
June 30 - good day to celebrate Aestas (the Roman corn goddess of summer).
June 18 - Anna (Roman goddess)
July - whole month - Athena the Greek goddess.
July 7 - Caprotina (goddess of the fig tree)
June 20 - Cerridwen (Celtic goddess of fertility)
June 30 - Chicomecoatl (Aztec)
July 18 - Copper Woman (Native American)
July 12 - Dikaiosune (Pagan God presiding over justice)
July 9 - Dionysus (Greek God of wine)
June 17 - Eurydice (Greek nymph/underworld goddess)
June 24 - Fortuna (Roman goddess of good fortune)
July 1 - Fuji (Japanese goddess of fire)
July 25 - Furrina (Italian goddess of springs)
July 30 - Gloosca (Mimac Indian tribes father god)
June 27 - God of the summer sun (Native American Plains tribe)
June 23 - The Green Man - (Pagan fertility God)
June 28 - Hemera (Greek goddes of day)
June 19 - Herra (AKA the consort of Zeus)
July 14 - Horus (Egyptian sky god)
Month of June - Juno
July 26 - Kachinas (Native American Hopi tribe)
July 11 - Kronos (Father Time)
June 21 - Kupala (Russian fertility goddess)
These are only touched on - many gods/goddesses/deities have a day or month that they preside over or govern. I didn't have much time to remember and write down all of them, but this gives you a basic idea. May everyone have a blessed Litha. Blessed be to all.
Altar ideas for inside or outside.

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