Enjoy this wonderful drumming and meditation. Let it take you away and escape for a bit.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Regression into a past life and how it helps me cope in today's world-by Sonia Shah.
As I was out and about on the internet, I came across this fascinating article written by Sonia Shah. Many people have thought about past lives, who they were, what they did, what was it like, etc. Some of us have traveled back into the past thru dreams, meditations or even hypnosis. By going back in time, you can find some answers to the questions that you have today, like why am I not happy, why don't my romantic relationships work, why am I drawn to this person or time period, why do I feel that I've known my best friend forever? These questions are normal and many, at one time or another, have thought them. So if you are or were thinking about past life regression and wanting to try going back to see how it can help you in your life today, here is one person's story to help you decide whether you want to persue it or dismiss it. I hope you enjoy the article.
MY nerves were jangling when I went to see Nicolas Aujula, a past life regressionist. It's not uncommon to wonder about the sense and purpose of our existence. And the concept of reincarnation and past lives has fascinated me for ages. But I was very sceptical about the ability to go back in time to access an individual's former life. It seemed inconceivable this could solve the mystery and purpose of the current one. It also sounded daunting and a little nonsensical.
My reaction proved to be a standard first response to Nicolas. He has conducted a regression on Big Brother star Sophie Reade and other celebrity clients include Toyah Wilcox. I was curious to know if there was anything more behind this "made-for-TV and entertainment purposes" setting.
Questions poured out of me. "What if I see something frightening that will traumatise me? What if I killed someone? How will I know it's not my imagination telling me I was Marilyn Monroe or the Queen of Sheba?" I was told to relax, not to analyse anything and to try to keep an open mind. If a horror scene surfaced, I was assured it wouldn't have any hold over me and I'd learn important life lessons.
I did a deep breathing exercise and my tenseness disappeared. My over-analytical mind went into a clearer mental state and a creative visualisation helped me to further relax each part of the body. In between, I really wondered if I'd be able to view anything significant at all, but then the movie in my mind started unfolding. "Are you male or female? How do you see yourself?" asked Nicolas, who is based in Maidenhead, Berkshire. Astonishingly, a pair of dark feet with gold anklets appeared. A plait of black hair coiled around an off-the shoulder, white cloth wrapped around me. I was crouching over a riverbank washing clothes against stones. I was in my early twenties and lived with my father in a remote village in India, where our straw house was the only dwelling in the vicinity. As I considered the absence of my mother, I was surprised by my emotions. Tears flowed when I replayed the memories of her death during my early childhood. It's not often I become emotional and, feeling slightly embarrassed and perplexed, I apologised to the stranger in front of me and moved on to the next scene.
"Do you not have anybody close to you apart from your father?" "No, but I believe in the Indian goddess Mataji. She gives me strength and gets me through everything," I replied. It felt bizarre to portray myself as a Hindu deity worshipper and I chuckled uncomfortably. I was aware certain goddesses such as Lakshmi signified wealth and Saraswati was revered for creativity, but I wasn't sure about Mataji. After the regression, I found out she represented strength for Hindus. Back in the regression, after my father's death, I left our home and travelled aimlessly through many villages with many people offering to look after me. Several days later, I stumbled into a temple and the instant presence of Mataji drew me in. The image of her powdered complexion, long black hair and psychedelic saree adorned the temple's marble floors and wood walls. In return for food and board, I swept the temple and found solace in Mataji and meditation. The temple had many books displaying colourful images of celestial beings from Hindu scriptures. I was illiterate, but eventually an old man came to my rescue. He regulated many temple events and administered some ceremonies. He also turned out to be my real-life grandfather, shockingly enough, whom I'd never met. He'd passed away in his early fifties, six years before I was born, but I recognised him immediately as I'd seen his pictures in my family home. Logistically, it was possible, but my focus on the past came to an abrupt halt. The image of meeting my grandad in a past life but never in this present one seemed too peculiar to digest.
Nicolas assured me it was normal to sometimes recognise people from the past, whether your paths had crossed or not. He made me feel better and I settled back into temple life, where the rest of my years were spent peacefully. I wasn't tangled in any relationship dramas and died a spinster. The puzzles of this life started to fall into place. Relationships seem quite alien to me and I'd often tried to veer away from them. I'm not rushing around to find Mr Right as you might expect of a woman in her thirties. Instead, I've tried to find ways of meeting life's challenges. Some try kickboxing, or learn Thai cooking but I've been trying meditation. Maybe the past influenced it and had created a feeling of nostalgia.
It was time to bring me back into the present. On the count of three, I woke, feeling dazed as though I'd just had a pleasant dream. After my last few months of angst, I suddenly felt very calm. I felt a sense of envy for the temple cleaner's life. I felt very connected with myself in the past and, even though I felt I'd got close to that point in this life, events and traumas had put me in a wretched state. This didn't seem to be the case with my life in India, but it's easy to avoid drama when one's existence is enshrined in a temple. I'd carried a straightforward and disciplined life and felt more composed and at ease. It's compelled me to inject more of those characteristics from the past into the present. Since my journey into the past, I've developed a healthier state of mind, an inner strength and a better understanding to confront situations more constructively. I learned I'd have to relive moments from the past and integrate them into a commercial and hostile environment. The more I practice, the more barriers I break down with this formula. I'm still revelling in the afterglow of the experience, which always helps when something unpleasant comes along. It all makes sense now.
MY nerves were jangling when I went to see Nicolas Aujula, a past life regressionist. It's not uncommon to wonder about the sense and purpose of our existence. And the concept of reincarnation and past lives has fascinated me for ages. But I was very sceptical about the ability to go back in time to access an individual's former life. It seemed inconceivable this could solve the mystery and purpose of the current one. It also sounded daunting and a little nonsensical.
My reaction proved to be a standard first response to Nicolas. He has conducted a regression on Big Brother star Sophie Reade and other celebrity clients include Toyah Wilcox. I was curious to know if there was anything more behind this "made-for-TV and entertainment purposes" setting.
Questions poured out of me. "What if I see something frightening that will traumatise me? What if I killed someone? How will I know it's not my imagination telling me I was Marilyn Monroe or the Queen of Sheba?" I was told to relax, not to analyse anything and to try to keep an open mind. If a horror scene surfaced, I was assured it wouldn't have any hold over me and I'd learn important life lessons.
I did a deep breathing exercise and my tenseness disappeared. My over-analytical mind went into a clearer mental state and a creative visualisation helped me to further relax each part of the body. In between, I really wondered if I'd be able to view anything significant at all, but then the movie in my mind started unfolding. "Are you male or female? How do you see yourself?" asked Nicolas, who is based in Maidenhead, Berkshire. Astonishingly, a pair of dark feet with gold anklets appeared. A plait of black hair coiled around an off-the shoulder, white cloth wrapped around me. I was crouching over a riverbank washing clothes against stones. I was in my early twenties and lived with my father in a remote village in India, where our straw house was the only dwelling in the vicinity. As I considered the absence of my mother, I was surprised by my emotions. Tears flowed when I replayed the memories of her death during my early childhood. It's not often I become emotional and, feeling slightly embarrassed and perplexed, I apologised to the stranger in front of me and moved on to the next scene.
"Do you not have anybody close to you apart from your father?" "No, but I believe in the Indian goddess Mataji. She gives me strength and gets me through everything," I replied. It felt bizarre to portray myself as a Hindu deity worshipper and I chuckled uncomfortably. I was aware certain goddesses such as Lakshmi signified wealth and Saraswati was revered for creativity, but I wasn't sure about Mataji. After the regression, I found out she represented strength for Hindus. Back in the regression, after my father's death, I left our home and travelled aimlessly through many villages with many people offering to look after me. Several days later, I stumbled into a temple and the instant presence of Mataji drew me in. The image of her powdered complexion, long black hair and psychedelic saree adorned the temple's marble floors and wood walls. In return for food and board, I swept the temple and found solace in Mataji and meditation. The temple had many books displaying colourful images of celestial beings from Hindu scriptures. I was illiterate, but eventually an old man came to my rescue. He regulated many temple events and administered some ceremonies. He also turned out to be my real-life grandfather, shockingly enough, whom I'd never met. He'd passed away in his early fifties, six years before I was born, but I recognised him immediately as I'd seen his pictures in my family home. Logistically, it was possible, but my focus on the past came to an abrupt halt. The image of meeting my grandad in a past life but never in this present one seemed too peculiar to digest.
Nicolas assured me it was normal to sometimes recognise people from the past, whether your paths had crossed or not. He made me feel better and I settled back into temple life, where the rest of my years were spent peacefully. I wasn't tangled in any relationship dramas and died a spinster. The puzzles of this life started to fall into place. Relationships seem quite alien to me and I'd often tried to veer away from them. I'm not rushing around to find Mr Right as you might expect of a woman in her thirties. Instead, I've tried to find ways of meeting life's challenges. Some try kickboxing, or learn Thai cooking but I've been trying meditation. Maybe the past influenced it and had created a feeling of nostalgia.
It was time to bring me back into the present. On the count of three, I woke, feeling dazed as though I'd just had a pleasant dream. After my last few months of angst, I suddenly felt very calm. I felt a sense of envy for the temple cleaner's life. I felt very connected with myself in the past and, even though I felt I'd got close to that point in this life, events and traumas had put me in a wretched state. This didn't seem to be the case with my life in India, but it's easy to avoid drama when one's existence is enshrined in a temple. I'd carried a straightforward and disciplined life and felt more composed and at ease. It's compelled me to inject more of those characteristics from the past into the present. Since my journey into the past, I've developed a healthier state of mind, an inner strength and a better understanding to confront situations more constructively. I learned I'd have to relive moments from the past and integrate them into a commercial and hostile environment. The more I practice, the more barriers I break down with this formula. I'm still revelling in the afterglow of the experience, which always helps when something unpleasant comes along. It all makes sense now.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
Chakra Attunement.
Introducing the new Chakra Attunement Series - Each powerful 15 minute track has been carefully designed to create a wonderful listening experience that promotes inner balance, peace, and tranquility by assisting in the attunement of the 7 chakra centers. These tracks can also be used for stress reduction, meditation and hypnosis.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Sacred Sound Alchemy.
This was brought to my attention by my friend, Experiencer Journey. He wrote a small paragraph which is very insightful and worth reading. He stated, "Many times when we are feeling unwell, we think to treat the body but not the spiritual body. Many illnesses can be directly related to the spiritual body. Healing oneself involves healing, on all levels. I've posted frequencies before but this is specific for healing. It is not just the frequency but has the frequency embeded within the music :) - enjoy."
This is wonderful for DNA repair and healing. Here is a little more info to ponder. Forgotten In Time: The Ancient Solfeggio Frequencies - There is no taste, no sound, no light and no color. Our taste and sound receptors are impulse converters;There is no light and no color outside of our brain.Colors and light are formed in our brains by conversion.
Light energy vibrations of different frequency(i.e., of different wavelengths) are converted by a transducer(the eye) into signals(impulses) that can be received and processed by neurons in the brain of as colors.
Love signal is a healing audio and visual meditation with music, sacred geometry and Solfeggio frequency 528 Hz, the miraculous frequency for transformation and DNA repair. There is a special sound and color of love according to Dr. Horowitz, a Harvard-trained award-winning investigator. Broadcasting the right frequency can help open your heart, prompt peace, and hasten healing. "We now know the love signal, 528 Hertz, is among the six core creative frequencies of the universe because math doesn't lie, the geometry of physical reality universally reflects this music; these findings have been independently derived, peer reviewed, and empirically validated," Dr. Horowitz says. Music & video by Jandy the Decibel Jezebel Poem by Katie Pye The Solfeggio Scale and note names; 1. UT...396 Hz (Center Pillar of the Tree)
The third note, frequency 528, relates to the note MI on the scale and derives from the phrase "MI-ra gestorum" in Latin meaning "miracle." Stunningly, this is the exact frequency used by genetic biochemists to repair broken DNA - the genetic blueprint upon which life is based! MI - 528 Hz - relates to crown chakra. Dr Mirahorian suggests an association with DNA integrity,transformation and Miracles . MI - 528 Hz - relates to crown chakra;
The regular "C" that we all know of in this culture (which is from the diatonic scale of do, re, mi, fa, so, la, ti, do) is not the 528 Hz frequency "C. A regular "C" vibrates at a frequency of 512 Hz. The "C" of 528 Hz used for DNA repair is part of an ancient scale called the Solfeggio Scale.
This is wonderful for DNA repair and healing. Here is a little more info to ponder. Forgotten In Time: The Ancient Solfeggio Frequencies - There is no taste, no sound, no light and no color. Our taste and sound receptors are impulse converters;There is no light and no color outside of our brain.Colors and light are formed in our brains by conversion.
Light energy vibrations of different frequency(i.e., of different wavelengths) are converted by a transducer(the eye) into signals(impulses) that can be received and processed by neurons in the brain of as colors.
Love signal is a healing audio and visual meditation with music, sacred geometry and Solfeggio frequency 528 Hz, the miraculous frequency for transformation and DNA repair. There is a special sound and color of love according to Dr. Horowitz, a Harvard-trained award-winning investigator. Broadcasting the right frequency can help open your heart, prompt peace, and hasten healing. "We now know the love signal, 528 Hertz, is among the six core creative frequencies of the universe because math doesn't lie, the geometry of physical reality universally reflects this music; these findings have been independently derived, peer reviewed, and empirically validated," Dr. Horowitz says. Music & video by Jandy the Decibel Jezebel Poem by Katie Pye The Solfeggio Scale and note names; 1. UT...396 Hz (Center Pillar of the Tree)
The third note, frequency 528, relates to the note MI on the scale and derives from the phrase "MI-ra gestorum" in Latin meaning "miracle." Stunningly, this is the exact frequency used by genetic biochemists to repair broken DNA - the genetic blueprint upon which life is based! MI - 528 Hz - relates to crown chakra. Dr Mirahorian suggests an association with DNA integrity,transformation and Miracles . MI - 528 Hz - relates to crown chakra;
The regular "C" that we all know of in this culture (which is from the diatonic scale of do, re, mi, fa, so, la, ti, do) is not the 528 Hz frequency "C. A regular "C" vibrates at a frequency of 512 Hz. The "C" of 528 Hz used for DNA repair is part of an ancient scale called the Solfeggio Scale.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
The Butterfly Effect - by Andy Andrews and Motivation in a minute.com
Hello all. I came across a brilliant video that is worth sharing. It has a real important message that many people forget or do not give a second thought to. Please read the below exerpt and then check out the link to view the video. Brightest blessings to all.
You come across a few stories in our lifetime that you just can't stop thinking about! The Butterfly Effect is one of those stories. In a word, it's AMAZING! Andy Andrews is one of the most talented writers in the country. His books have sold millions of copies. In fact, he's had four different books on the New York Times best-sellers list. But as a speaker...he's one of the best. When he speaks, he usually closes with his favorite story (he says it's the one that every client remembers).
Check out this 3 minute movie on The Butterfly Effect. The Wall Street Journal has called him a "modern day Will Rogers" and...you'll get to see why. So just click here to watch the movie.
Stay Motivated,
Motivation in a Minute.com
A Simple Truths Company
You come across a few stories in our lifetime that you just can't stop thinking about! The Butterfly Effect is one of those stories. In a word, it's AMAZING! Andy Andrews is one of the most talented writers in the country. His books have sold millions of copies. In fact, he's had four different books on the New York Times best-sellers list. But as a speaker...he's one of the best. When he speaks, he usually closes with his favorite story (he says it's the one that every client remembers).
Check out this 3 minute movie on The Butterfly Effect. The Wall Street Journal has called him a "modern day Will Rogers" and...you'll get to see why. So just click here to watch the movie.
Stay Motivated,
Motivation in a Minute.com
A Simple Truths Company
Monday, June 21, 2010
Happy Litha to all.
The Summer Solstice Sabbat is here and many will be celebrating. This sabbat is also known as Alban, Hefin, Litha and Midsummer. A few traditional foods to be consumed on this celebration would be fresh veggies, fruits, ale/mead. Alters and tables would be decorated with herbs like chamomile, elder, fennel, larkspur, lavender, fern, mugwort, pine, rose, thyme, wisteria, verbena (just to name a few) and there would be seashells, fruits, flowers and love amulets included. Gemstones are a wonderful touch - green ones like emerald and jade and deities for this sabbat include Aphrodite, Ishtar, Venus, Freya, Astarte, Hathor just to name a few. Most of the deities for this sabbat preside over passion, love and beauty. Popular candle colors to use would be yellow, green and blue.
The rule is harming none and respecting all living things - including their free will.
A few days to keep in mind:
June 30 - good day to celebrate Aestas (the Roman corn goddess of summer).
June 18 - Anna (Roman goddess)
July - whole month - Athena the Greek goddess.
July 7 - Caprotina (goddess of the fig tree)
June 20 - Cerridwen (Celtic goddess of fertility)
June 30 - Chicomecoatl (Aztec)
July 18 - Copper Woman (Native American)
July 12 - Dikaiosune (Pagan God presiding over justice)
July 9 - Dionysus (Greek God of wine)
June 17 - Eurydice (Greek nymph/underworld goddess)
June 24 - Fortuna (Roman goddess of good fortune)
July 1 - Fuji (Japanese goddess of fire)
July 25 - Furrina (Italian goddess of springs)
July 30 - Gloosca (Mimac Indian tribes father god)
June 27 - God of the summer sun (Native American Plains tribe)
June 23 - The Green Man - (Pagan fertility God)
June 28 - Hemera (Greek goddes of day)
June 19 - Herra (AKA the consort of Zeus)
July 14 - Horus (Egyptian sky god)
Month of June - Juno
July 26 - Kachinas (Native American Hopi tribe)
July 11 - Kronos (Father Time)
June 21 - Kupala (Russian fertility goddess)
These are only touched on - many gods/goddesses/deities have a day or month that they preside over or govern. I didn't have much time to remember and write down all of them, but this gives you a basic idea. May everyone have a blessed Litha. Blessed be to all.
Altar ideas for inside or outside.
The rule is harming none and respecting all living things - including their free will.
A few days to keep in mind:
June 30 - good day to celebrate Aestas (the Roman corn goddess of summer).
June 18 - Anna (Roman goddess)
July - whole month - Athena the Greek goddess.
July 7 - Caprotina (goddess of the fig tree)
June 20 - Cerridwen (Celtic goddess of fertility)
June 30 - Chicomecoatl (Aztec)
July 18 - Copper Woman (Native American)
July 12 - Dikaiosune (Pagan God presiding over justice)
July 9 - Dionysus (Greek God of wine)
June 17 - Eurydice (Greek nymph/underworld goddess)
June 24 - Fortuna (Roman goddess of good fortune)
July 1 - Fuji (Japanese goddess of fire)
July 25 - Furrina (Italian goddess of springs)
July 30 - Gloosca (Mimac Indian tribes father god)
June 27 - God of the summer sun (Native American Plains tribe)
June 23 - The Green Man - (Pagan fertility God)
June 28 - Hemera (Greek goddes of day)
June 19 - Herra (AKA the consort of Zeus)
July 14 - Horus (Egyptian sky god)
Month of June - Juno
July 26 - Kachinas (Native American Hopi tribe)
July 11 - Kronos (Father Time)
June 21 - Kupala (Russian fertility goddess)
These are only touched on - many gods/goddesses/deities have a day or month that they preside over or govern. I didn't have much time to remember and write down all of them, but this gives you a basic idea. May everyone have a blessed Litha. Blessed be to all.
Altar ideas for inside or outside.

DANCE in the wind, the rain and bask in the glow and beauty of life.
Life......it has hard times, good times and many unexpected twists and turns. Here is a wonderful video to help you remember and be reminded of how grand things can be and how much power you have to make it so.
Click here to view it. Compliments of Motivation in a minute.com.
Click here to view it. Compliments of Motivation in a minute.com.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Lesson: You reap what you sow.
Good morning said a woman as she walked up to the man sitting on ground. The man slowly looked up. This was a woman clearly accustomed to the finer things of life. Her coat was new.. She looked like she had never missed a meal in her life. His first thought was that she wanted to make fun of him, like so many others had done before.. "Leave me alone," he growled..... To his amazement, the woman continued standing.. She was smiling -- her even white teeth displayed in dazzling rows. "Are you hungry?" she asked. "No," he answered
sarcastically. "I've just come from dining with the president. Now go away." The woman's smile became even broader.
Suddenly the man felt a gentle hand under his arm. "What are you doing, lady?" the man asked angrily.. "I said to leave me alone. Just then a policeman came up. "Is there any problem, ma'am?" he asked.. "No problem here, officer," the woman answered. "I'm just trying to get this man to his feet. Will you help me?" The officer scratched his head. "That's old Jack. He's been a fixture around here for a couple of years. What do you want with him?" "See that cafeteria over there?" she asked. "I'm going to get him something to eat and get him out of the cold for awhile."
"Are you crazy, lady?" the homeless man resisted. "I don't want to go in there!" Then he felt strong hands grab his other arm and lift him up. "Let me go, officer. I didn't do anything." " This is a good deal for you, Jack" the officer answered. "Don't blow it." Finally, and with some difficulty, the woman and the police officer got Jack into the cafeteria and sat him at a table in a remote corner.. It was the middle of the morning, so most of the breakfast crowd had already left and the lunch bunch had not yet arrived...
The manager strode across the cafeteria and stood by his table.. "What's going on here, officer?" he asked.
"What is all this, is this man in trouble?" "This lady brought this man in here to be fed," the policeman answered. "Not in here!" the manager replied angrily. "Having a person like that here is bad for business.."
Old Jack smiled a toothless grin. "See, lady. I told you so. Now if you'll let me go. I didn't want to come here
in the first place."
The woman turned to the cafeteria manager and smiled... "Sir, are you familiar with Eddy and Associates, the banking firm down the street?" "Of course I am," the manager answered impatiently. "They hold their weekly meetings in one of my banquet rooms," he replied. "And do you make a goodly amount of money providing food at these weekly meetings?" she asked. "What business is that of yours?" he replied. I, sir, am Penelope Eddy, president and CEO of the company." Oh, the manager replied.
The woman smiled again. "I thought that might make a difference." She glanced at the cop who was busy
stifling a giggle. "Would you like to join us in a cup of coffee and a meal, officer?" "No thanks, ma'am," the officer replied. "I'm on duty.." "Then, perhaps, a cup of coffee to go?" "Yes, mam.. That would be very nice."
The cafeteria manager turned on his heel, "I'll get your coffee for you right away, officer." The officer watched him walk away. "You certainly put him in his place," he said. "That was not my intent. Believe it or not, I have a reason for all this." She sat down at the table across from her amazed dinner guest. She stared at him intently... "Jack, do you remember me?" Old Jack searched her face with his old, rheumy eyes. "I think so -- I mean you do look familiar." "I'm a little older perhaps," she said. "Maybe I've even filled out more than in my younger days when you worked here, and I came through that very door, cold and hungry."
"Ma'am?" the officer said questioningly. He couldn't believe that such a magnificently turned out woman could ever have been hungry.
She continued "I was just out of college," the woman began. "I had come to the city looking for a job, but I couldn't find anything. Finally I was down to my last few cents and had been kicked out of my apartment. I walked the streets for days. It was February and I was cold and nearly starving. I saw this place and walked in on the off chance that I could get something to eat." Jack lit up with a smile. "Now I remember," he said..
"I was behind the serving counter. You came up and asked me if you could work for something to eat. I said that it was against company policy." "I know," the woman continued. "Then you made me the biggest roast beef sandwich that I had ever seen, gave me a cup of coffee, and told me to go over to a corner table and
enjoy it.. I was afraid that you would get into trouble... Then, when I looked over and saw you put the price of my food in the cash register, I knew then that everything would be all right." "So you started your own business?" Old Jack said. "I got a job that very afternoon. I worked my way up. Eventually I started my own business that, with the help of God, prospered." She opened her purse and pulled out a business card.. "When you are finished here, I want you to pay a visit to a Mr. Lyons....He's the personnel director of my company. I'll go talk to him now and I'm certain he'll find something for you to do around the office." She smiled. "I think he might even find the funds to give you a little advance so that you can buy some clothes and get a place to live until you get on your feet.... If you ever need anything, my door is always opened to you."
There were tears in the old man's eyes. "How can I ever thank you?" he said. "Don't thank me," the woman answered. "To God goes the glory. Thank Jesus... He led me to you."
Outside the cafeteria, the officer and the woman paused at the entrance before going their separate ways......
"Thank you for all your help, officer," she said. "On the contrary, Ms. Eddy," he answered. "Thank you. I saw a miracle today, something that I will never forget. And..And thank you for the coffee."
If you have missed knowing me, you have missed nothing. If you have missed some of my emails, you might have missed a laugh... But, if you have missed knowing Jesus Christ, you have missed alot in the world. Have a Wonderful Day. May He Bless you always and don't forge that when you "cast your bread upon the waters," you never know how it will be returned to you.. Have a blessed day and remember to be a blessing to others.
Reminder: God is so big He can cover the whole world with His love and so small He can curl up inside your heart.. When God leads you to the edge of the cliff, trust Him fully and let go.. Only 1 of 2 things will happen, either He'll catch you when you fall, or He'll teach you how to fly! God has the power to shift things around for you today and let things work in your favor. God closes doors no man can open & God opens doors no man can close.
Good morning said a woman as she walked up to the man sitting on ground. The man slowly looked up. This was a woman clearly accustomed to the finer things of life. Her coat was new.. She looked like she had never missed a meal in her life. His first thought was that she wanted to make fun of him, like so many others had done before.. "Leave me alone," he growled..... To his amazement, the woman continued standing.. She was smiling -- her even white teeth displayed in dazzling rows. "Are you hungry?" she asked. "No," he answered
sarcastically. "I've just come from dining with the president. Now go away." The woman's smile became even broader.
Suddenly the man felt a gentle hand under his arm. "What are you doing, lady?" the man asked angrily.. "I said to leave me alone. Just then a policeman came up. "Is there any problem, ma'am?" he asked.. "No problem here, officer," the woman answered. "I'm just trying to get this man to his feet. Will you help me?" The officer scratched his head. "That's old Jack. He's been a fixture around here for a couple of years. What do you want with him?" "See that cafeteria over there?" she asked. "I'm going to get him something to eat and get him out of the cold for awhile."
"Are you crazy, lady?" the homeless man resisted. "I don't want to go in there!" Then he felt strong hands grab his other arm and lift him up. "Let me go, officer. I didn't do anything." " This is a good deal for you, Jack" the officer answered. "Don't blow it." Finally, and with some difficulty, the woman and the police officer got Jack into the cafeteria and sat him at a table in a remote corner.. It was the middle of the morning, so most of the breakfast crowd had already left and the lunch bunch had not yet arrived...
The manager strode across the cafeteria and stood by his table.. "What's going on here, officer?" he asked.
"What is all this, is this man in trouble?" "This lady brought this man in here to be fed," the policeman answered. "Not in here!" the manager replied angrily. "Having a person like that here is bad for business.."
Old Jack smiled a toothless grin. "See, lady. I told you so. Now if you'll let me go. I didn't want to come here
in the first place."
The woman turned to the cafeteria manager and smiled... "Sir, are you familiar with Eddy and Associates, the banking firm down the street?" "Of course I am," the manager answered impatiently. "They hold their weekly meetings in one of my banquet rooms," he replied. "And do you make a goodly amount of money providing food at these weekly meetings?" she asked. "What business is that of yours?" he replied. I, sir, am Penelope Eddy, president and CEO of the company." Oh, the manager replied.
The woman smiled again. "I thought that might make a difference." She glanced at the cop who was busy
stifling a giggle. "Would you like to join us in a cup of coffee and a meal, officer?" "No thanks, ma'am," the officer replied. "I'm on duty.." "Then, perhaps, a cup of coffee to go?" "Yes, mam.. That would be very nice."
The cafeteria manager turned on his heel, "I'll get your coffee for you right away, officer." The officer watched him walk away. "You certainly put him in his place," he said. "That was not my intent. Believe it or not, I have a reason for all this." She sat down at the table across from her amazed dinner guest. She stared at him intently... "Jack, do you remember me?" Old Jack searched her face with his old, rheumy eyes. "I think so -- I mean you do look familiar." "I'm a little older perhaps," she said. "Maybe I've even filled out more than in my younger days when you worked here, and I came through that very door, cold and hungry."
"Ma'am?" the officer said questioningly. He couldn't believe that such a magnificently turned out woman could ever have been hungry.
She continued "I was just out of college," the woman began. "I had come to the city looking for a job, but I couldn't find anything. Finally I was down to my last few cents and had been kicked out of my apartment. I walked the streets for days. It was February and I was cold and nearly starving. I saw this place and walked in on the off chance that I could get something to eat." Jack lit up with a smile. "Now I remember," he said..
"I was behind the serving counter. You came up and asked me if you could work for something to eat. I said that it was against company policy." "I know," the woman continued. "Then you made me the biggest roast beef sandwich that I had ever seen, gave me a cup of coffee, and told me to go over to a corner table and
enjoy it.. I was afraid that you would get into trouble... Then, when I looked over and saw you put the price of my food in the cash register, I knew then that everything would be all right." "So you started your own business?" Old Jack said. "I got a job that very afternoon. I worked my way up. Eventually I started my own business that, with the help of God, prospered." She opened her purse and pulled out a business card.. "When you are finished here, I want you to pay a visit to a Mr. Lyons....He's the personnel director of my company. I'll go talk to him now and I'm certain he'll find something for you to do around the office." She smiled. "I think he might even find the funds to give you a little advance so that you can buy some clothes and get a place to live until you get on your feet.... If you ever need anything, my door is always opened to you."
There were tears in the old man's eyes. "How can I ever thank you?" he said. "Don't thank me," the woman answered. "To God goes the glory. Thank Jesus... He led me to you."
Outside the cafeteria, the officer and the woman paused at the entrance before going their separate ways......
"Thank you for all your help, officer," she said. "On the contrary, Ms. Eddy," he answered. "Thank you. I saw a miracle today, something that I will never forget. And..And thank you for the coffee."
If you have missed knowing me, you have missed nothing. If you have missed some of my emails, you might have missed a laugh... But, if you have missed knowing Jesus Christ, you have missed alot in the world. Have a Wonderful Day. May He Bless you always and don't forge that when you "cast your bread upon the waters," you never know how it will be returned to you.. Have a blessed day and remember to be a blessing to others.
Reminder: God is so big He can cover the whole world with His love and so small He can curl up inside your heart.. When God leads you to the edge of the cliff, trust Him fully and let go.. Only 1 of 2 things will happen, either He'll catch you when you fall, or He'll teach you how to fly! God has the power to shift things around for you today and let things work in your favor. God closes doors no man can open & God opens doors no man can close.
Children without fathers - how to give them inspiration.
Children growing up without fathers in the picture is tough on everyone. What do you do when your child doesn’t understand why ‘daddy’ isn’t around? If your child doesn’t know who their earthly father is because they left, walked away, started another life somewhere else, etc., gently remind your child that their Heavenly father is saying He is proud of you and that you have a bright future ahead of you to look forward to and that He loves you. Don’t allow the child to feel inadequate or think it was something that the child did to make the father leave. Remind the child that they are a prized possession, a blessing and a joy. It’s one thing if the father passed on to the next realm or is fighting for our safety oversea's but to have them still around and walking and talking and not taking a part in the child’s life is so sad. After all, he (the male parent) is missing out on a tremendous joy. It is the father’s loss. After all, any man can be a father, but it takes a special man to be a daddy. Brightest blessings.
And to all the mothers out there that are both - mother and father to a child - Happy Fathers Day to you!
And to all the mothers out there that are both - mother and father to a child - Happy Fathers Day to you!
Friday, June 18, 2010
3900 Saturdays
I received an email a few months ago and saved it due to the perspective it gave me. I have finally found some free time so I can write some blogs and catch up on emails, readings, phone calls, etc., that I have fallen behind in due to my hectic schedule. I hope you take the time to read this and give it a ponder. Feel free to comment on your thoughts. Brightest blessings to all.
3900 Saturdays - author unknown.
So many of us get busy with our jobs, errands and to do lists. Jobs may pay you well but it's a shame to have to be away from home and your family so much. Hard to believe that anyone should have to work sixty or seventy hours a week to make ends meet but it is not a rare occurance in this day and age - happens all the time and if not with one job then a person may hold two jobs just to stay above water especially with the way inflation is going up - in fact, everything is going up: gas prices, electric, food, cable, water, taxes (property and state) etc. It's too bad you missed your daughter's dance recital, your son's Holiday concert, a friends birthday party or the cookout due to your obligations for work or because you were away for work or you were just to damn run down and tired, but it does happen. Let me tell you something that has helped me keep my own priorities-the theory of a "thousand marbles."
You see, I sat down one day and did a little arithmetic. The average person lives about seventy-five years. I know some live more and some live less, but on average, folks live about seventy-five years. Now I multiplied 75 times 52 and I came up with 3,900, which is the number of Saturdays that the average person has in their entire lifetime. Now stick with me, I'm getting to the important part. It took me until I was fifty-five years old to think about all this in any detail, and by that time, I had lived through over twenty-eight hundred Saturdays. I got to thinking that if I lived to be seventy-five, I only had about a thousand of them left to enjoy. So I went to a toy store and bought every single marble they had. I ended up having to visit three toy stores to round up 1,000 marbles. I took them home and put them inside a large, clear plastic container. Every Saturday since then, I have taken one marble out and thrown it away. I found that by watching the marbles diminish, I focused more on the really important things in life. There's nothing like watching your time here on this earth run out to help get your priorities straight.
Now let me tell you one last thing before I sign off with you and take my lovely wife/husband/family out for breakfast/dinner. This morning, I took the very last marble out of the container. I figure that if I make it until next Saturday then I have been given a little extra time. And the one thing we can all use is a little more time.
Make the most of things always - whether it be negative, turn it into a positive. Go out and do something different or something you have always wanted to do, go meet some people, get together with friends. Remember life here is very short and there is no room to go back and redo things, just move forward and do the best you can.
If this message would have been heard on a radio, I would be willing to bet you could have heard a pin drop when this person finished the lesson and signed off. I would gather to guess he gave us all a lot to think about.
Brightest blessings to all.
3900 Saturdays - author unknown.
So many of us get busy with our jobs, errands and to do lists. Jobs may pay you well but it's a shame to have to be away from home and your family so much. Hard to believe that anyone should have to work sixty or seventy hours a week to make ends meet but it is not a rare occurance in this day and age - happens all the time and if not with one job then a person may hold two jobs just to stay above water especially with the way inflation is going up - in fact, everything is going up: gas prices, electric, food, cable, water, taxes (property and state) etc. It's too bad you missed your daughter's dance recital, your son's Holiday concert, a friends birthday party or the cookout due to your obligations for work or because you were away for work or you were just to damn run down and tired, but it does happen. Let me tell you something that has helped me keep my own priorities-the theory of a "thousand marbles."
You see, I sat down one day and did a little arithmetic. The average person lives about seventy-five years. I know some live more and some live less, but on average, folks live about seventy-five years. Now I multiplied 75 times 52 and I came up with 3,900, which is the number of Saturdays that the average person has in their entire lifetime. Now stick with me, I'm getting to the important part. It took me until I was fifty-five years old to think about all this in any detail, and by that time, I had lived through over twenty-eight hundred Saturdays. I got to thinking that if I lived to be seventy-five, I only had about a thousand of them left to enjoy. So I went to a toy store and bought every single marble they had. I ended up having to visit three toy stores to round up 1,000 marbles. I took them home and put them inside a large, clear plastic container. Every Saturday since then, I have taken one marble out and thrown it away. I found that by watching the marbles diminish, I focused more on the really important things in life. There's nothing like watching your time here on this earth run out to help get your priorities straight.
Now let me tell you one last thing before I sign off with you and take my lovely wife/husband/family out for breakfast/dinner. This morning, I took the very last marble out of the container. I figure that if I make it until next Saturday then I have been given a little extra time. And the one thing we can all use is a little more time.
Make the most of things always - whether it be negative, turn it into a positive. Go out and do something different or something you have always wanted to do, go meet some people, get together with friends. Remember life here is very short and there is no room to go back and redo things, just move forward and do the best you can.
If this message would have been heard on a radio, I would be willing to bet you could have heard a pin drop when this person finished the lesson and signed off. I would gather to guess he gave us all a lot to think about.
Brightest blessings to all.
Meditation.....effective gene therapy?
Hello all. I have been doing much research on meditation in the past few years. There are many forms and types of meditation out there. One, in particular, that has been banned in the country of China now for many years and has a severe punishment to those in China who are caught practicing this form of meditation is called Falun Gong. Interviews that have been conducted with Chinese people who do practice this, have raved about the benefits and on how much it helps them and strengthens them. This article, although I do not know who actually wrote it, was published in the Epoch Times on June 16, 2010. (www.theepochtimes.com/n2/content/view/37370/). If you are a practicioner of Falun Gong or of meditation in general, feel free to comment on your views or feelings of it and the benefits you have or have not experienced. Brightest blessings and enjoy the info.
These days, scientific medical research ascribes many human diseases to cellular genomic mutation. Many scientists and doctors are working to find specific methodologies to modify these disordered genes. However, this isn’t a situation concerning only a few cells in the body. Therefore, correcting mutant genes in human bodies is not an easy thing. Because normal and abnormal cells in patients are from the same origin, it’s very hard to distinguish between them. Although scientists try to use viruses, antibodies, or various other ways to recognize target proteins on mutant cells that are found only on abnormal cells to replace the disordered genes with healthy ones, it is extremely hard to accomplish this, and it is fraught with many possible complications. So, gene therapy is a dream without practical application in the foreseeable future.
In recent years, some scientists have changed their way of thinking about how to modify cellular activity. In a study published in 2005 in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, a group led by Dr. Lili Feng of Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas, found very apparent differences between Falun Gong practitioners and non-practitioners in gene expression and in neutrophil function. Neutrophils are white blood cells that play a pre-eminent roll in repelling microbial invaders.
According to the research paper, Falun Gong is an ancient Chinese qigong practice consisting of meditation and an emphasis on spiritual practice based on truthfulness, compassion, and forbearance. The paper cites a 1998 study, which says that Falun Gong has been reported to have miraculous impact on practitioners’ health.
The scientists used gene-chip technology to compare the expression of 12,000 genes between Falun Gong practitioners and non-practitioners. They found differential expression in more than 300 genes, in which the differences were tenfold or more. This is an uncommon phenomenon in cell biology research. For example, it’s known that normal cells and cancer cells are very different, because the DNA or the genome will have been divided too many times in tumor cells.
In their study, these researchers also found that the numbers of neutrophils in their samples from Falun Gong practitioners were reduced. Furthermore, the lifespan of neutrophils from ordinary healthy people is only two or three hours, but in Falun Gong practitioners, it could be as long as 60 hours.
They also observed, from their morphology, that practitioners’ neutrophils were more completely differentiated, unlike those from the general population whose neutrophils are usually eliminated before differentiation has finished, similar to someone who has accidentally died before the end of his or her lifespan. Those from the practitioners, however, lived until the end of their determinate life.
From these findings, we can surmise that the fewer neutrophils in the Falun Gong practitioners may serve to defend them from external infection more efficiently because their lives are longer. Since neutrophils aren’t needed as much in Falun Gong practitioners, the number of activations or re-activations of the immunoglobulin-secreting mechanism may not be as many as in non-practitioners. Thus, Falun Gong practitioners won’t have as high incidences of allergy, asthma, auto-immune disease, or other immune-mediated disorders.
Today’s greenways have been reduced because of the rampant building of factories, roads to ease ever-increasing traffic congestion, and other general consequences of urbanization. This kind of change in human beings’ living environment leads to constant stimulation of their immune systems by dust and easily promotes allergies. In fact, many children are hospitalized due to allergies. But doctors have found that it’s hard to cure allergies completely with any of the various available drug therapies.
One way to be freed from many diseases is to strengthen the immune system so that it can provide a real defense against invasion by bacteria. And in this study, scientists have found that Falun Gong cultivation is a great way to strengthen the immune system.
To read the research paper, please visit http://tinyurl.com/288nxgb
These days, scientific medical research ascribes many human diseases to cellular genomic mutation. Many scientists and doctors are working to find specific methodologies to modify these disordered genes. However, this isn’t a situation concerning only a few cells in the body. Therefore, correcting mutant genes in human bodies is not an easy thing. Because normal and abnormal cells in patients are from the same origin, it’s very hard to distinguish between them. Although scientists try to use viruses, antibodies, or various other ways to recognize target proteins on mutant cells that are found only on abnormal cells to replace the disordered genes with healthy ones, it is extremely hard to accomplish this, and it is fraught with many possible complications. So, gene therapy is a dream without practical application in the foreseeable future.
In recent years, some scientists have changed their way of thinking about how to modify cellular activity. In a study published in 2005 in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, a group led by Dr. Lili Feng of Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas, found very apparent differences between Falun Gong practitioners and non-practitioners in gene expression and in neutrophil function. Neutrophils are white blood cells that play a pre-eminent roll in repelling microbial invaders.
According to the research paper, Falun Gong is an ancient Chinese qigong practice consisting of meditation and an emphasis on spiritual practice based on truthfulness, compassion, and forbearance. The paper cites a 1998 study, which says that Falun Gong has been reported to have miraculous impact on practitioners’ health.
The scientists used gene-chip technology to compare the expression of 12,000 genes between Falun Gong practitioners and non-practitioners. They found differential expression in more than 300 genes, in which the differences were tenfold or more. This is an uncommon phenomenon in cell biology research. For example, it’s known that normal cells and cancer cells are very different, because the DNA or the genome will have been divided too many times in tumor cells.
In their study, these researchers also found that the numbers of neutrophils in their samples from Falun Gong practitioners were reduced. Furthermore, the lifespan of neutrophils from ordinary healthy people is only two or three hours, but in Falun Gong practitioners, it could be as long as 60 hours.
They also observed, from their morphology, that practitioners’ neutrophils were more completely differentiated, unlike those from the general population whose neutrophils are usually eliminated before differentiation has finished, similar to someone who has accidentally died before the end of his or her lifespan. Those from the practitioners, however, lived until the end of their determinate life.
From these findings, we can surmise that the fewer neutrophils in the Falun Gong practitioners may serve to defend them from external infection more efficiently because their lives are longer. Since neutrophils aren’t needed as much in Falun Gong practitioners, the number of activations or re-activations of the immunoglobulin-secreting mechanism may not be as many as in non-practitioners. Thus, Falun Gong practitioners won’t have as high incidences of allergy, asthma, auto-immune disease, or other immune-mediated disorders.
Today’s greenways have been reduced because of the rampant building of factories, roads to ease ever-increasing traffic congestion, and other general consequences of urbanization. This kind of change in human beings’ living environment leads to constant stimulation of their immune systems by dust and easily promotes allergies. In fact, many children are hospitalized due to allergies. But doctors have found that it’s hard to cure allergies completely with any of the various available drug therapies.
One way to be freed from many diseases is to strengthen the immune system so that it can provide a real defense against invasion by bacteria. And in this study, scientists have found that Falun Gong cultivation is a great way to strengthen the immune system.
To read the research paper, please visit http://tinyurl.com/288nxgb
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Want to open yourself up to greater prosperity? Check this out.
Here is a meditation video to help you open yourself up to greater prosperity. Don't knock it til you try it, you just may be surprised.
Monday, June 14, 2010
The way of the Magician-the story of Colin Campbell
Wow, talk about an interesting guy......my friend, Steve, interviews Colin Campbell. Colin Campbell grew up in rural southeastern Botswana, the son of a renowned anthropologist and a creative healing mother. In his childhood travels with his father he slept under stars, learned from traditional San people, awoke beside lion paw prints, and regularly released cobras out of his personal space. At the age of 11, he was called to being trained and initiated as a traditional doctor and sangoma.
He thus acquired a deep knowledge of Tswana culture and its traditional medicinal and spiritual practices. Colin Campbell is a practitioner of traditional African medicine, and his work bridges major world cities with ancestral homelands and forgotten wilderness. He co-founded and co-runs a training school in Botswana for traditional doctors and sangomas with his brother Nial.
He thus acquired a deep knowledge of Tswana culture and its traditional medicinal and spiritual practices. Colin Campbell is a practitioner of traditional African medicine, and his work bridges major world cities with ancestral homelands and forgotten wilderness. He co-founded and co-runs a training school in Botswana for traditional doctors and sangomas with his brother Nial.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Joyful Mindedness by Chade-Meng Tan
In practicing meditation, one often comes across interesting surprises. My biggest surprise in practicing Shamatha (Calm Abiding), a practice leading to profound concentration, is the insight that relaxation forms the foundation of Shamatha. When the mind is relaxed, it becomes more calm and stable. These qualities deepen Shamatha, which in turn strengthens relaxation, thus forming a virtuous cycle. Paradoxically, deep concentration is built upon relaxation.
A similar mechanism seems to work in the practice of Mindfulness. I found lightness to be highly conducive to Mindfulness. Lightness gives rise to ease of mind. When the mind is at ease, it becomes more open, perceptive and non-judgmental. These qualities deepen Mindfulness, which in turn strengthens lightness and ease, thus forming a virtuous cycle of deepening Mindfulness.
To read the article in full, please click link below:
A similar mechanism seems to work in the practice of Mindfulness. I found lightness to be highly conducive to Mindfulness. Lightness gives rise to ease of mind. When the mind is at ease, it becomes more open, perceptive and non-judgmental. These qualities deepen Mindfulness, which in turn strengthens lightness and ease, thus forming a virtuous cycle of deepening Mindfulness.
To read the article in full, please click link below:
Saturday, June 12, 2010
The human design system with Richard Beaumont.
This interview lasts around 27 mins.
Richard Beaumont was the founder and editor in chief of Kindred Spirit magazine for nearly 20 years. Kindred Spirit is probably the UK’s leading specialist magazine on mind body spirit field. Richard has studied numerous systems of knowledge for the past 30 years. Then 10 years ago Human Design entered his life.
The Human Design System is a unique and powerful system of knowledge. It provides a framework for understanding human life itself, and offers specific insights into an individual’s: personal psychology, vulnerabilities, as well as their talents, strengths, and gifts. It simplifies life and helps to restore a sense of purpose and meaning often lost in our modern lives.
Download for FREE Now:
Richard Beaumont was the founder and editor in chief of Kindred Spirit magazine for nearly 20 years. Kindred Spirit is probably the UK’s leading specialist magazine on mind body spirit field. Richard has studied numerous systems of knowledge for the past 30 years. Then 10 years ago Human Design entered his life.
The Human Design System is a unique and powerful system of knowledge. It provides a framework for understanding human life itself, and offers specific insights into an individual’s: personal psychology, vulnerabilities, as well as their talents, strengths, and gifts. It simplifies life and helps to restore a sense of purpose and meaning often lost in our modern lives.
Download for FREE Now:
Friday, June 11, 2010
How to open your third eye by Tana Hoy.
What is Your Third Eye?
Also known as your inner eye or your all-seeing eye, your third eye is at the point right above the middle of your brows. Your third eye is the eye through which you can see beings or things that are not visible to your physical eyes. It is what you use to look with when you wish to connect to the higher or spiritual realms.
Everyone has a third eye, just as everyone has psychic ability. In most cases, though, it is only partially open or blocked. This means that you do not fully utilize your third eye or it is blocked by certain energies. In this case, there are steps you can take to fully open your third eye or unblock it so that the flow of energies to it goes smoothly.
The development of your psychic ability has a very close connection with the opening of your third eye. This means that when you work on activating your third eye, your ability advances. Having a fully enhanced ability and an open third eye entails several benefits which can make a difference on how you live your life.
There are several benefits to exercising your psychic ability and unblocking your third eye. You will have access to your inner well of wisdom and to those of the higher realms. You will develop your intuition and have a better understanding of things which cannot be easily perceived by your physical eyes. You become open to a whole new plane of intelligence, balance, and a higher quality of life. These are just a few of the benefits you can have by enhancing your ability.
Steps for Unblocking Your Third Eyee
If there are ways to develop your psychic ability, there are also ways to open your third eye. Here is a simple exercise with 7 easy steps for you to start with.
1. Find a quiet location where you will not be disturbed. Choose a dimly-lit place, or soften the lighting if you are in a well-lit room.
2. Start relaxing your body by sitting down on a chair or on the floor. Feel your shoulders relaxing with your hands resting on your lap or your knees. Keep your back straight, but not stiff. Align your neck to your back so that you are looking straight ahead.
3. When you are comfortable in your sitting position, focus now on your breathing. Slowly inhale, and then slowly exhale, releasing all the air from within you. Spend a slightly longer time exhaling than you did inhaling.
4. If you observe that your breathing has already stabilized, you can proceed with timing your meditation. Set an alarm for 15 minutes. This may be increased through time by 5 minutes, though you can do so when you have eased into this exercise. For now, set your alarm for 15 minutes and place it within your reach.
5. After placing the alarm within your reach, place your hands back on your lap or knees and gently close your eyes. As you inhale slowly, shift your focus to where your third eye is - the point above the middle of your brows. Continue breathing with your focus on your third eye.
6. As you continue to slowly breathe in and out, maintain your focus on your third eye. Keep focused even as you feel your body relaxing more and more. You may feel a slight tingling sensation on the area of your third eye; that is perfectly fine.
7. Do not open your eyes instantly when the alarm goes off. Reach out to turn off the sound while keeping your eyes closed. You can only open them when you feel that you are ready to do so.
Do this daily, around the same time each day. The results may not be instant - you won't immediately have an exceptional psychic ability or a fully open third eye - but know that as you do this, you are sharpening your inner ability and developing a deeper awareness of and connection with your third eye.
With regular practice and perseverance, you will soon experience the remarkable benefits of having an open third eye and of seeing with it. This will also have a huge impact on the development of inner ability. You will be able to do and achieve more things when it comes to using your skills.
So start incorporating this meditation into your daily routine. Doing so will surely and effectively enhance your ability and open your third eye.
Also known as your inner eye or your all-seeing eye, your third eye is at the point right above the middle of your brows. Your third eye is the eye through which you can see beings or things that are not visible to your physical eyes. It is what you use to look with when you wish to connect to the higher or spiritual realms.
Everyone has a third eye, just as everyone has psychic ability. In most cases, though, it is only partially open or blocked. This means that you do not fully utilize your third eye or it is blocked by certain energies. In this case, there are steps you can take to fully open your third eye or unblock it so that the flow of energies to it goes smoothly.
The development of your psychic ability has a very close connection with the opening of your third eye. This means that when you work on activating your third eye, your ability advances. Having a fully enhanced ability and an open third eye entails several benefits which can make a difference on how you live your life.
There are several benefits to exercising your psychic ability and unblocking your third eye. You will have access to your inner well of wisdom and to those of the higher realms. You will develop your intuition and have a better understanding of things which cannot be easily perceived by your physical eyes. You become open to a whole new plane of intelligence, balance, and a higher quality of life. These are just a few of the benefits you can have by enhancing your ability.
Steps for Unblocking Your Third Eyee
If there are ways to develop your psychic ability, there are also ways to open your third eye. Here is a simple exercise with 7 easy steps for you to start with.
1. Find a quiet location where you will not be disturbed. Choose a dimly-lit place, or soften the lighting if you are in a well-lit room.
2. Start relaxing your body by sitting down on a chair or on the floor. Feel your shoulders relaxing with your hands resting on your lap or your knees. Keep your back straight, but not stiff. Align your neck to your back so that you are looking straight ahead.
3. When you are comfortable in your sitting position, focus now on your breathing. Slowly inhale, and then slowly exhale, releasing all the air from within you. Spend a slightly longer time exhaling than you did inhaling.
4. If you observe that your breathing has already stabilized, you can proceed with timing your meditation. Set an alarm for 15 minutes. This may be increased through time by 5 minutes, though you can do so when you have eased into this exercise. For now, set your alarm for 15 minutes and place it within your reach.
5. After placing the alarm within your reach, place your hands back on your lap or knees and gently close your eyes. As you inhale slowly, shift your focus to where your third eye is - the point above the middle of your brows. Continue breathing with your focus on your third eye.
6. As you continue to slowly breathe in and out, maintain your focus on your third eye. Keep focused even as you feel your body relaxing more and more. You may feel a slight tingling sensation on the area of your third eye; that is perfectly fine.
7. Do not open your eyes instantly when the alarm goes off. Reach out to turn off the sound while keeping your eyes closed. You can only open them when you feel that you are ready to do so.
Do this daily, around the same time each day. The results may not be instant - you won't immediately have an exceptional psychic ability or a fully open third eye - but know that as you do this, you are sharpening your inner ability and developing a deeper awareness of and connection with your third eye.
With regular practice and perseverance, you will soon experience the remarkable benefits of having an open third eye and of seeing with it. This will also have a huge impact on the development of inner ability. You will be able to do and achieve more things when it comes to using your skills.
So start incorporating this meditation into your daily routine. Doing so will surely and effectively enhance your ability and open your third eye.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Waking from sleep with Steve Taylor
Steve Taylor is the author of The Fall, Making Time and his latest Waking from Sleep. In this astounding book, Steve Taylor suggests that our normal consciousness is really a kind of ‘sleep’ from which we sometimes ‘wake up’, into a more intense and complete reality. Eckhart Tolle has described his work as ‘An important contribution to the shift in consciousness which is happening on our planet.’
His writings cover a wide range - spiritual experiences, history, anthropology, the psychology of time perception and of human well-being. Steve has lectured at the University of Manchester and is now a researcher in transpersonal psychology at Liverpool John Moores University.
On this interview (approx 26 mins in length) you will hear how:
*Normal human consciousness tends to be in a state of ‘sleep
*Indigenous peoples, and young children, tend to live in a natural state of wakefulness;
*There are two types of awakening, one exilerating and wild, the other more stable and serene;
*We make a conscious effort to generate waking experiences;
*Dance, music, meditation, sports and relaxation can awaken you.
Download or stream now by clicking on the link below:
His writings cover a wide range - spiritual experiences, history, anthropology, the psychology of time perception and of human well-being. Steve has lectured at the University of Manchester and is now a researcher in transpersonal psychology at Liverpool John Moores University.
On this interview (approx 26 mins in length) you will hear how:
*Normal human consciousness tends to be in a state of ‘sleep
*Indigenous peoples, and young children, tend to live in a natural state of wakefulness;
*There are two types of awakening, one exilerating and wild, the other more stable and serene;
*We make a conscious effort to generate waking experiences;
*Dance, music, meditation, sports and relaxation can awaken you.
Download or stream now by clicking on the link below:
Are you going with the flow?
Check out my buddy Steve's live recording of a webinar called Discover Your Flow (36 mins approx). You can listen through the web or download to your computer and MP3 player and listen at your leisure. So often we are taught that life has to be a struggle and that if we are to achieve anything meaningful in life then we have to work very hard. This webinar explores flow and how it is both practical and spiritual in application.
In this recording you will be able to understand the dynamics of being in and out of flow and what can help you stay in flow more of the time.
In this recording you will be able to understand the dynamics of being in and out of flow and what can help you stay in flow more of the time.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
2010 Predictions from beyond.
A sneak-preview of life's coming attractions for the "mighty" year of 2010. Courtesy of our friends from the Unknown. All quotes are from the December 2009 edition of "The Sedona Journal". The track is called, "Amazing" and the band is "One Eskimo." Enjoy.
So what do you think? Hooey or truey?
So what do you think? Hooey or truey?
Om Ama Rani - a mantra worth listening to.
A beautiful and powerful chant sung by Sarva-Antah, a Tibetan choir. This mantra focuses on healing and invites a long, healthy, and worthwhile life. The sound opens the heart and infuses all the cells of the body. For many, it creates a deep sense of peace. It is one of the most powerful mantras.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Breaking through the shadow of love.
Join in and listen to a Free podcast recording on Breaking Through the Shadow of Love and Money with Debbie Ford. The interview lasts around 35 minutes.
Debbie Ford is an internationally recognized expert in the field of personal transformation. A New York Times bestselling author whose seven books have been translated into 32 languages and used as teaching tools in universities and other institutions of learning. Debbie Ford is a pioneer who incorporates the study and integration of the human shadow into modern psychological and spiritual practices. She is the creator of the Shadow Process. A sought after speaker, teacher and featured expert on TV shows like Oprah, Good Morning America, Larry King Live.
Why is shadow work so important? How does the shadow show up in people’s lives? How do we recognise the shadow at work? What is the difference between accepting and embracing the shadow? How we learn to love and utilise the gifts of the shadow?
Debbie Ford is an internationally recognized expert in the field of personal transformation. A New York Times bestselling author whose seven books have been translated into 32 languages and used as teaching tools in universities and other institutions of learning. Debbie Ford is a pioneer who incorporates the study and integration of the human shadow into modern psychological and spiritual practices. She is the creator of the Shadow Process. A sought after speaker, teacher and featured expert on TV shows like Oprah, Good Morning America, Larry King Live.
Why is shadow work so important? How does the shadow show up in people’s lives? How do we recognise the shadow at work? What is the difference between accepting and embracing the shadow? How we learn to love and utilise the gifts of the shadow?
Karma, karma, karma.
Dr. Steven Hairfield PhD served in the military in Vietnam. His search for peaceful answers and higher understanding guided him to a Zen Buddhist monastery in Quang Ngai, South Vietnam. He later traveled to India to learn from spiritual masters. On his return his received an M.A. in Religion and Theology. The author of a number of books including his latest The 12 Sacred Principles of Karma. He now travels and teaches internationally on the philosophies of the New Age, Spirituality, Buddhism, and Christianity to help people to realize the truth of life and our own internal divine nature. Interview lasts 42 minutes.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Writing as a spiritual practice. If you like to write, check this out.
Here is an amazing podcast to help you on personal development. If you like to write or have thought about becoming an author, check out the podcast.
About the author: Diane has been writing extensively as a playwright and author since the early 1990s. Apart from her plays Diane has also written for BBC radio and for younger audiences at the Unicorn Theatre. Diane has wide experience of teaching creative writing, lecturing as visiting lecturer at the universities of Birmingham, Reading, Oxford, Goldsmiths' college, London and running workshops for organizations as diverse as IATE (Institute for Arts in Therapy and Education), Alternatives, Theatre Royal Haymarket and the National Gallery. She also tutors courses for the Arvon Foundation and runs a regular writers group. She is the author of “A Writer's Magic Notebook".
About the author: Diane has been writing extensively as a playwright and author since the early 1990s. Apart from her plays Diane has also written for BBC radio and for younger audiences at the Unicorn Theatre. Diane has wide experience of teaching creative writing, lecturing as visiting lecturer at the universities of Birmingham, Reading, Oxford, Goldsmiths' college, London and running workshops for organizations as diverse as IATE (Institute for Arts in Therapy and Education), Alternatives, Theatre Royal Haymarket and the National Gallery. She also tutors courses for the Arvon Foundation and runs a regular writers group. She is the author of “A Writer's Magic Notebook".
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