Welcome to my spiritual blog!

I hope you can find all kinds of helpful info here. I hope you will enjoy broadening your mind and opening yourself up to the limitless possibilities that await you. Brightest blessings to all!

Be sure to check out my helpful tip and suggestion blog at: http://skycladluna.blogspot.com

Thought for the day:

Life is an echo - what you send out does comes back.

Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year resolutions.

Here is a great resolution to make for 2011. Think about it, here we are on the verge of a new year, meaning one ends so a new one can begin, right? So think of it as a new you, here you are embarking on a new year so why not revise and renew yourself as well? Everywhere you look today, there are problems. Turn on your TV or computer, pick up a magazine or paper, and what do you see? Problems. When you talk to your spouse, co-workers, family members or friends, and within minutes someone will bring up a problem...or two or three.

In an unforgettable way, Michael McMillan teaches us in his mini movie that many problems aren't problems at all - only opportunities for unseen solutions waiting to be formed! The movie is approxmately five minutes, give or take a few seconds. Check it out and why not apply some of this informative info into a New Years resolution. I bet you will be surprised. Click here to check out the movie. It's called Pink Bat.

Thursday, December 30, 2010


If you looked for a word to describe success, it would have to be perseverance. There have been a lot of potholes and detours along the road to success, but perseverance always makes a way! So stay on track if you need a little "shot of inspiration," you've come to the right place. Here's to perserverance! Click here to view the short movie.

Love and light to all.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity.

For many companies and individuals, 2010 has been a difficult year. But if you look at success in the long term, the difference in our success or failure is not chance, but choice. Because when adversity strikes, it's not what happens that will determine our destiny; it's how we react to what happens.

As we head into the last quarter of this year, we don't think there is a person or a business out there that wouldn't want to finish strong in 2010. But, we must understand that finish strong is more than a statement...it's an attitude. It's an attitude of believing you can do something, and it's having the courage and determination to see it through. And of course, you can apply this "finish strong attitude" to your business or your life!

Vince Lombardi said, "The will to win...the will to achieve...goes dry without continuous reinforcement." So if your goal is to finish strong in 2010, then stay motivated and keep your thoughts positive so that "shot of inspiration" comes to you and sticks with you when you need it most. And believe me...you will need it. In a perfect world, we hear something once, record it in our brain, and never need to hear it again. Well, our world is far from perfect. We all occasionally have doubts, fears, and disappointments in life. During those times we need to reinforce, encourage, and motivate ourselves to keep moving forward towards goals.

So here's a Finish Strong in 2010 inspirational movie to help you stay on track. Click here to view it.
Brightest blessings to all!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Muslims in the US are now being recognized.

Here is an article I came across written by Rachel Zoll of the Associated Press on how United States Muslims are now being targeted by advertising markets. Since there is a high percentage of Muslims, it's due time to start relating to their needs, dietary laws, etc. There was once a time when the Jewish community went through the same thing and struggled to have their needs met with Kosher foods and Judaism.

US Muslims-a new consumer niche by Rachel Zoll.
NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J. – In the ballroom of an upscale hotel a short train ride from New York, advertisers, food industry executives and market researchers mingled — the men in dark suits, the women in headscarves and Western dress. Chocolates made according to Islamic dietary laws were placed at each table.
The setting was the American Muslim Consumer Conference, which aimed to promote Muslims as a new market segment for U.S. companies. While corporations have long catered to Muslim communities in Europe, businesses have only tentatively started to follow suit in the U.S. — and they are doing so at a time of intensified anti-Muslim feeling that companies worry could hurt them, too. American Muslims seeking more acknowledgment in the marketplace argue that businesses have more to gain than lose by reaching out to the community.

"We are not saying, `Support us,'" said Faisal Masood, a graduate of the University of Illinois, Chicago, and management consultant. "But we want them to understand what our values are."

There are signs the industry is stirring: Masood, a Wall Street executive who organized the gathering, had attracted only 200 or so attendees when he started the event last year. This year, he had to close registration at 400 to keep from going over capacity.

The worldwide market for Islamically permitted goods, called halal, has grown to more than half a billion dollars annually. Ritually slaughtered meat is a mainstay, but the halal industry is much broader, including foods and seasoning that omit alcohol, pork products and other forbidden ingredients, along with cosmetics, finance and clothing. Corporations have been courting immigrant Muslim communities in Europe for several years. Nestle, for example, has about 20 factories in Europe with halal-certified production lines and advertises to Western Muslims through its marketing campaign called "Taste of Home." Nestle plans to increase its ethnic and halal offerings in Europe in coming years.

In the United States, iconic American companies such as McDonald's (which already has a popular halal menu overseas) and Wal-Mart have entered the halal arena. In August, the natural grocery giant Whole Foods began selling its first nationally distributed halal food product — frozen Indian entrees called Saffron Road.

Along with new customers, however, the companies draw critics and can become targets in the ideological battle over Islam and terrorism.

Abdalhamid Evans, project director with the World Halal Forum Europe, which works with the global halal industry, said a recent backlash has prompted some mainstream businesses in Europe to keep a lower profile about their halal products or scale back their offerings.

In the U.K., after Kentucky Fried Chicken rolled out halal menu options in several dozen stores, the restaurant chain pulled the items in a few locations in the face of protests. Critics dubbed the menu "terror chicken."

To read the article in full, please visit the link below: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20101227/ap_on_bi_ge/us_the_muslim_consumer

Monday, December 27, 2010

Six cancer fighting super foods.

Here is an article I came across written by Leslie Barrie. Today, so many people are much more 'heart' conscious and into exercise routines and watching their diets. It's long been said to incorporate fruits and veggies into your daily routine of meals. Enjoy the article, it's worth the read.

Six cancer fighting superfoods - by Leslie Barrie
To reduce your risk of cancer, look no further than your fridge. "All the studies on cancer and nutrition point to eating plant-based foods for their phytonutrients and other special compounds," says Richard Béliveau, PhD, chair in the prevention and treatment of cancer at the University of Québec at Montreal and author of Foods to Fight Cancer.
Aim for five to nine daily servings of all kinds of fruits and vegetables—especially these six superstars.

All cruciferous veggies (think cauliflower, cabbage, kale) contain cancer-fighting properties, but broccoli is the only one with a sizable amount of sulforaphane, a particularly potent compound that boosts the body's protective enzymes and flushes out cancer-causing chemicals, says Jed Fahey, ScD. A recent University of Michigan study on mice found that sulforaphane also targets cancer stem cells—those that aid in tumor growth. The more broccoli, the better, research suggests—so add it wherever you can, from salads to omelets to the top of your pizza.

Helps fight: breast, liver, lung, prostate, skin, stomach, and bladder cancers

All berries are packed with cancer-fighting phytonutrients. But black raspberries, in particular, contain very high concentrations of phytochemicals called anthocyanins, which slow down the growth of premalignant cells and keep new blood vessels from forming (and potentially feeding a cancerous tumor), according to Gary D. Stoner, PhD, a professor of internal medicine at The Ohio State University College of Medicine. (Stoner uses a concentrated berry powder in his studies but says a half-cup serving of berries a day may help your health, too).

Helps fight: colon, esophageal, oral, and skin cancers

This juicy fruit is the best dietary source of lycopene, a carotenoid that gives tomatoes their red hue, Béliveau says. And that's good news, because lycopene was found to stop endometrial cancer cell growth in a study in Nutrition and Cancer. Endometrial cancer causes nearly 8,000 deaths a year. The biggest benefits come from cooked tomatoes (think pasta sauce!), since the heating process increases the amount of lycopene your body is able to absorb.

Helps fight: endometrial, lung, prostate, and stomach cancers

To read the full article, please click on the link below: http://shine.yahoo.com/event/vitality/6-cancer-fighting-superfoods-2428408/

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Some great quotes....by great leaders.

Ah, I don't know about you, but I am ready to say good bye to 2010 and hello to 2011. This has been a pretty good year for me, it has been tough - don't get me wrong, it has been tough, but I've had many eye openers and have really broadened myself and learned alot. I have met some great teachers, read some amazing books and helped many thru my line of work. I did quite a lot of traveling this year, met all types of people from a variety of backgrounds, experienced new opportunities and sampled different types of foods.

Yet as the year comes to it's closing, I decided to dig a bit and found this video. I have high hopes for 2011 and by viewing this video, I received inspiration and excitement. There are real truths to these words and I have really reached a turning point this year. I continue to apply the lessons I have learned and I accept that every day that I open my eyes in the morning, it's a present. I am free to renew and revise. What didn't work yesterday, can be revised and tried out again today. It's a learning process. I still have energy, I still have breath, therefore, I can still create, still dream and think. So, too, can you.

Enjoy the video and let me know what you think.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Lessons of success.

Greetings everyone. As 2010 comes to a close, and with Mercury being retrograde, it's a good time to take a few minutes of quiet time and go over what has happened this year. Not only to you, but look at the world around you. Where do you see yourself? How did you get to this place? What do you see for yourself in 2011? Where will you be in two years? In five years?

As you ponder this year's events and how they have impacted you, it's also a good idea to reflect on your lessons. How many times have you found yourself in the same predictament this year? Examples, failed relationships, failed communication, loss of job/jobs. Are your children applying common sense or are they making poor choices which causes friction? Do you take time to enjoy or have fun with your family and friends? Are you shut out from the world?

Take some time and ponder your choices and take a few minutes to check out this short video. It's about three minutes long. You just might find some helpful information there.


Sunday, December 19, 2010

A beautiful video - Oil for Your Lamp

To all the women out there and for all that you do....for your loved ones, for your friends, for co-workers...this is for you. Love, light and blessings.


Saturday, December 18, 2010

Discovering Hypnonis

Have you ever thought about hypnosis? Have you seen scenes in movies or on tv where someone is hypnotized into doing something? Have you ever tried it to stop a bad habit, like biting nails or smoking? Now, let me ask you this, if you say no to being hypnotized, think about what it means to be hypnotized. Are subliminal messages the same as being hypnotized? Have your friends or family ever hypnotized you? You might be surprised.

This is a mini documentary that I came across by HypnoTranquility. Check it out and let me know what you think.


Friday, December 17, 2010

Visualization....does it work?

Here are a few things to consider. Remember the mind is like a computer, computers crash, idle, sleep and need to be updated and reprogrammed. Without a check up here and there, they can get virus's and crash. Without upgrades, they become obsolete. So what am I saying? You must do the same with your mind and body.

So does visualization work? Why is it so important? Without visualization, you stagnante. Do you find that you occasionally daydream, wish you had something that you don't, see yourself in a better place? That is visualization. Here is a quick video about things to consider on visualizing. John Seeley stars in it (for those who are familiar with his work and teachings).


Monday, December 6, 2010

Inspiration - grow and show, live and love.

This is a very special three minute mini movie about joy, kindness, gratitude and love. Kate Nowak woke one day and was inspired to create this beautiful video. I hope you will take three minutes to view it. It is truly wonderful.


Sunday, December 5, 2010

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Fun gifts to make and give for next to nothing.

Who doesn't like to smell good? If you could be remembered for a certain fragrance, what would your favorite be? Long ago, women would bath in all kinds of fragrant flowers. Some popular fragrances that women loved and men found enticing would be the scent of roses, lavender, jasmine and lilac. Here are a few things to try. Costs next to nothing, easy to do and you can always play around with the receipe and experiment with different items to make it your own or to 'personalize' it.
Citrus Splash/Body Spray

Ingredients: 2 cups distilled water, 3 tablespoons vodka, 1 tablespoon of each - orange and lemon peel (finely chopped)5 drops lemon verbena essential oil, 10 drops mandarin essential oil, 10 drops orange essential oil.

Directions: Combine the fruit peels with the vodka in a jar, cover and let stand for 1 week. Strain the liquid, add the essential oils and water to the liquid. Let stand for 2 weeks shaking jar once a day. Keep in a dark bottle or keep in a cool dark area.

Soothing & Refreshing Body Spray

Ingredients: 1 tablespoon witch hazel, 1 teaspoon lemon extract, 1 teaspoon cucumber extract, 1 cup water.

Suggestions: Make an after shower spray by combining all the ingredients and putting in a pump spray bottle. You'll love it.

**There are laws about vodka so if you are considering giving away to people in different states/countries or selling the product, consider substituting the vodka with rubbing alcohol or witch hazel.**

Experiment using different types of flowers and herbs. You're sure to find something that you'll love. I like making rose water and spraying it on my linens. I also like using olive oil to make certain oil sprays that I can use after bath/shower to make skin soft and silky. Have fun and don't forget to PAMPER yourself.

Soul Mates

Lately, I have been really getting lots of questions about soul mates. Must be the time of year. Holidays are a time where you spend quality time with family and friends, meaning loved ones and people that you adore. There are many people who are single and now feel the pangs of wanting a special someone to spend time with, more so then usual. This is also a heavy time, many people get depressed.

So let's touch on a few things about soul mates since most people do not know it's true meaning. A soul mate is one who is previously set up before coming into incarnation. Your cycle of life will take many twists and turns and when the timing is right, a soul mate will enter your life to teach you (in a strong way) about yourself. Many would like to think they are married with or to a soul mate, but not as many (as would like to be) are living this relationship. It is a special meeting and one that will most likely alter your life. This could be positive or negative, depending on where you stand in self.

A soul mate in this lifetime, could be different than in another lifetime. There are instances when one travels in several life times together. What you must remember and understand is that your soul family is quite large - and for purposes of learning, at times, you may work or set up a connection with a soul mate from another soul family. So in that instance, they would be also be considered your soul mate.

Also, a soul mate could be the exact gender (or opposite), depending on what you came to experience. Often at times, a romantic relationship is not in the life plan, because everything at this level is about clearing up with self. We have spent some lives in soul mate relationships, while others are meant for the souls study and advancement. So I help that helps to explain things and give you the real meaning of a soul mate.

Now, if you are wanting to meet that special person or want to bring into your life a person to help you learn more about yourself, here is a simple meditation that you can try. My friend, Tana, was reading my mind and just happened to send me an email concerning this exact issue. Obviously, many of us advisors are faced with the same questions and concerns from our clients. So in love and light from Tana (and myself), give it a try.

Sit comfortably, and close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths, and then imagine the type of person you would like to be with. Feel what this person is like, and feel what it feels like being with this person. Imagine this person standing beside you, talking to you, holding your hand, hugging you, or even kissing you. BUT, do not put a face on this person. Only imagine the person having the qualities you are looking for! After doing this for about 10 minutes, release it out into the universe. Send it out into the ethers, so that the universe can start drawing that person to you!

Try it, it is very powerful!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Are you ready to turn a new leaf over? To invest in yourself?

Hey all, Happy Holidays. Yep, for those inquiring minds who want to know, I am working. This is a good time to see what is coming, what you need to leave behind, what to work on, how your fears are stopping you and standing in your way. Reach for the stars, keep your dream alive. Ready to see what your path is leading you to? Hit me up. You can reach me here, on fb, myspace, craigslist, by twitter or click the link: http://readingsfromtherealm.vpweb.com/

I'm ready. Are you? Love, light and blessings. Namaste!

Remember, the experiences you draw to you thru the doorway of your soul, stay open, as long as you do. Be sure to get on with life. Stop looking at how it used to be or how it should be. It's time to let it be. With the new year around the corner, take stock of your goals and where you see yourself next. Rewrite your story.

Thought day the day: Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are. Your reputation is who people think you are. Be comfortable in your own skin and embrace the day.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Black Friday is upon us.

My friend, Rick, had this picture posted on his wall of facebook. Here is a tidbit from his posting, "My friends, today is what is known in retail as, Black Friday. I urge those who do not have to go out, to stay indoors and here's why: When you get a mob of sleepwalkers together, fighting over forms/possessions etc, an extreme amount of negative energy is manifested. Seemingly nice people turn into monsters. This collective unconsciousness also results in violence. Project as much love as you can, today." Very wise words. I learned that quite some time ago. The scenerio sickens me as people fight over these material items. I taught my children that God provides.

Yes, there were grand Christmas's, but there has been a time when my son slacked in school, used profanity, had no respect for others, which inturn reflected his lack of respect for himself. That year, we still remember fondly. He wanted a skateboard so bad. That's all he talked about and all he wanted. He was a teenager at the time, but he knew how I stood on certain things. School was important, no if ands or buts about it, school was a big deal as was respect. The profanity played a role in the respect issue so I wasn't as concerned with that as with school and respect. The Golden rule is to do unto others as you would have done unto you. Well, Christmas came. My son had presents under the tree that Santa left for him. All the necessities, a variety of clothing articles. In the stocking, he found his favorite sweet (candy) and a few unique items, including a skateboard key chain. Another of those unique items was wrapped so nicely and tucked into the stocking. When he opened it, he found three polaroid pictures of this beautiful red skateboard decorated with precisely the design he wanted. Accompanying the pictures, written on the bottom of them was a message. This could have been yours. Take a good look at where you are heading following this path, you will have these pics to remind you of what could have been. Now, you may think that was harsh and I am an awful mother. But I tell you what, it worked. He was devastated over not getting that skateboard. He looked at me and realized that I had high hopes for him, that he was special and was loved and that I felt 'devastated' watching him go down this path he had chosen. He knew that he would have to experience things for himself and learn from his actions. If he wanted an opinon, he could ask me - well what did you do when you were faced with a sitation like this? I would tell him stories and he could decide what the best choice for him would be. He learned  a special gift that Christmas, that actions have consequences and he learned that he brought those consequences on himself. Within a two, three month timespan, he turned himself around, straightened up in school, respected others and their opinions (even if he didn't agree with them), he find an appreciation in people and accepted their unique aspects which made them different and he accepted them. Yes, he did get the skateboard eventually, but I needed to be sure that he learned before he received it.

Now that the kids are older, young adults who work and are parents now, they appreciate friends/family and time spent with them more then material stuff. Enjoy what you have today, for tomorrow, it could all be gone. Material wise, less is more for me and my family. We are enriched with each other, sharing life, thankful for our bounty that we nurish our physical bodies with and for expanding and learning everyday. For those of you who are concerned with the sales and items to prove your ego to others, well, you can have it. I wouldn't change my life - I am happy and I love who I am, what I've become and to me, that is a richness in and of itself.

Brightest blessings to all.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Roach infested dog gets second chance.

Ripley sure is one lucky dog. On Oct. 19, the two-year-old poodle was found in a Louisiana ditch near a no kill shelter. Shelter workers noticed Ripley and picked him up with a towel because they weren't sure exactly what they were rescuing. His fur was so grossly overgrown that he looked less like a dog and more like an ... it.

Once they figured it out, they got the dog to a vet and called Tracy Lapeyrouse with My Heart's Desire, who took him in. Live and dead cockroaches were snarled inside his matted and overgrown mane, and his mouth was so covered by fur that his rescuers didn't even know how he managed to eat. But now, thanks to some Good Samaritans, and one (or possibly several) seriously effective razors, Ripley has a new leash on life — and is garnering national attention. "I keep telling people he looked like the Elephant Man," Tracy, who heads up My Heart's Desire rescue group in Houma, La., which is currently caring for Ripley, tells Tonic. "This is probably the most grotesque grooming issue I've ever seen, and I've been doing this for 10-plus years."

Lapeyrouse fortuitously named the 5 1/2 pound dog Ripley, "because I was driving home with him and he needed a name and I kept saying no one would have ever believed this was a dog. It was like Ripley's Believe it or Not. Then I thought, Ripley!"

To read the article in its entirety, please visit: http://www.tonic.com/article/believe-it-or-not-cockroach-infested-dog-gets-second-chance/

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Traditional gemstones by numerology tradition.

Hello everyone. This interesting tidbit was written by a friend of mine, Blair, who is a numerologist. I thought I was share.

Now you might think that birthstones are only associated with the Zodiac signs. This is not exactly true. They are also associated with what month you are born in. The origin of the twelve monthly birthstones was thought to have originated in Bible as they were found on the breastplates of Aaron. Yet another difference between the monthly and the Zodiac stones is that the monthly stones have more a numerological association whereas the Zodiac stones relate more to astrology.

January - The garnet is named as the January birth stone in just about every tradition or culture The glittering red g garnet is the stone representing January in Hebrew, Roman, Arabic, Polish and Russian traditions. In the ancient Hindu tradition the stone for January was the serpent stone but this is not a stone that has been
seen by anyone. Chances are it was a ruby or a black stone.

February- The symbolic stone is agreed upon as being the amethyst according to North American, Hebrew, Roman, Arabic, Polish and Russian traditions. In ancient Hindu it was the chandrakankta which once again is a stone nobody living today has ever seen so it cannot be described.

March -. The modern North American names the aquamarine as the stone for this month. However in Hebrew, Roman, Arabic, Polish and Russian traditions the stone for this stormy month is the bloodstone. In the ancient Hindu tradition it was a stone called gold-sivalinga which once again is not a stone ever seen by
contemporary eyes.

April - North America culture names the diamond as the birth stone for April. In Jewish, Hindu and Polish cultures the diamond is also named as the April birthstone. However in Roma, Persian and Russian traditions the stone that has symbolized the month is sapphire.

May - In contemporary North American, Arabic, Hindu, Polish and Russian traditions birthstone for the month of May is emerald. However the Hebrew and Roman traditions say the month belongs to the agate.

June - June is one of those months that seem to be symbolized by an array of stones. Contemporary North American culture names the stone of the month to be moonstone, pearl or alexandrite. Ancient Hindu tradition also names the pearl as the birthstone for June. However in ancient Roman and Hebrew traditions, June was ruled by the emerald (possibly because the green represented summer.) In Russian, Polish and Arabic cultures the stone that rules this month is agate which to make things even more confusing is a striped
stone comes in many colors.

July- In North American, Polish and Russian culture the birthstone for this mid summer month is ruby. In Hebrew and Roman traditions it is onyx. The Arabic culture assigns the carnelian to July and the Hindu religion says a sapphire represents the month.

August - Many different stones are often said to belong to the month of August. The modern North American tradition says the month is symbolized by peridot. The Hebrew and Roman traditions attribute it to the carnelian. The Arabic and Polish traditions say the month belongs to the sardonyx. The Hindu tradition assigns August the ruby and the Russian tradition assigns it the alexandrite.

September - In modern North American traditions, this autumn month is said to be ruled by the sapphire. However in Hebrew, Roman, Arabic, Polish and Russian traditions peridot is given as the ruling stone. The Hindu tradition assigns the zircon to September.

October - The opal or the tourmaline is usually assigned to October. However Hebrew, Roman, Arabic and Polish birth gem stone traditions say that aquarimine is the symbolic stone. The Russian culture says the month is ruled by the beryl. Ancient Hindu tradition says the stone is coral.

November - The North American tradition assigns either yellow topaz or citrine as the gemstones for this month. The Hebrew, Roman, Arabic and Russian traditions also say it belongs to topaz. November is symbolized by the cat's eye in the Hindu culture.

December - The North American tradition says December is symbolized by three choices of three blue stones: tanzanite, turquoise or blue topaz. The Hindu religion also assigns it to topaz and the Russian and Polish traditions assign it to turquoise. The Arabic, Roman and Hebrew traditions say the rosy colored ruby rules this month.

This is interesting because very often your choice of a Zodiac stone will conflict with what is the birth month stone. Some of the stones also cross over to astrology. For instance if you are born in November the symbolic stone is topaz and if you are a Sagittarian born after the 23rd then your stone will be at topaz as well.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Gift Ideas - Astrology gemstones.

Choosing the right gemstone has a lot to do with your birthday. According to the Astrological Table of Gemstones, each sign of the zodiac has its own special gem.

Aries: Aries is a fire sign that shines brightly with an inner fire. It is headstrong and always at the cutting edge, so what more fitting gem for this sign than the brilliant diamond? As Aries also rules the head, diamond earrings or studs are especially appropriate.

Taurus: This sign loves the lush bounty of nature, so the correct gemstone is the lush green emerald. Ruled by Venus, Taurus loves a beautiful setting. Remember that when you gift a Taurean an emerald necklace, for Taurus also rules the throat.

Gemini: Bright, lively Gemini needs a sparkling gem, and both the shimmering agate and the sparkling crystal are appropriate. Have them set in rings, cuff links or bracelets as Gemini is ruled by Mercury, which rules the hands.

Cancer: This sign is ruled by the Moon, so the pearl and the moonstone are the correct gems for this sign. They are best presented as a beautiful brooch or tie pin, or you could try a belt or gems set in a silk girdle, as Cancer rules both the breasts and the stomach.

Leo: This warm hearted fire sign responds to the ruby, with its fiery glow. Leo rules the heart, so a pendant, brooch or tie pin will be the perfect setting for a ruby gift.

Virgo: This sign loves the fruits of the earth and the glow of nature - its natural element is summer, so the lush golden glow of the sardonyx makes a fine gemstone for Virgo. Like Gemini, Virgo is ruled by Mercury, which makes rings, cuff links and bracelets the ideal setting for Virgo’s gem.

Libra: Airy, balanced Libra appreciates fine things, and especially the Libran gem, the sapphire. Ruled by Venus, Libra is as fond of adorning the neck as Taurus, but will wear jewelry in any form. Remember that Libra loves balance, so perfectly matched sets, like earrings, bracelet and necklace will be the favored choice.

Scorpio: This dark, mysterious sign favors something out of the ordinary in gems - the correct gem for Scorpio is the vivid, iridescent opal. Scorpios like concealment, so a gift which is not readily seen will be appreciated - a pendant which can be worn under clothes, a compact or charm which can be kept out of sight, will appeal to Scorpios.

Sagittarius: This is a fire sign that appreciates freedom and loves to travel. The sparkle of the Sagittarian gem, the topaz, echoes the sparkle of this exuberant sign. Whether blue or typical topaz gold, this gem will suit Sagittarians in a simple setting that can be worn on the run.

Capricorn: This status conscious sign favors a gem with understated elegance - the amethyst is the perfect gem for Capricorn. The setting should be timeless, for passing fads do not retain their value. For busy Capricorns, a watch setting is perfect - but they will also appreciate elegant rings or earrings.

Aquarius: While there have been many candidates for the gemstone of this sign, the Aquarmarine, which echoes the name shines with cool blue radiance, is the most appropriate choice. Aquarius is the sign of the unexpected, and rules the ankles so you can choose unusual settings, such as an ankle bracelet.

Pisces: This sign is most closely associated with the vastness of the ocean, so the most appropriate gemstone is jade, which echoes the endless depths. This gem can be presented in any form, but especially appealing to Pisceans are delicate adornments for the feet and hands.

Repost from 4/09

Friday, November 19, 2010

Is it time to detox?

Is it time to detox?

We hear so much about that these days. There are ads in magazines, tv commercials, info-commercials. Lots of different ways are available to cleanse the body of impurities, chemicals, pesticides and antibiotics in food and water which lead to forms of bacteria that can build up in our bodies. After all, look around you. People have more health problems, children have allegies and acid reflux at such early ages, people are experiencing thin hair and hair loss. All of this can be traced back to our food intake and what is lurking within it.

But what about detoxing for our minds? People go around with minds full of bad thoughts and the wrong thoughts. Example, so and so hurt me, how I can’t do this or that, work sucks or I’m out of work completely and can’t find a job. Well, listen to that. Those are toxic and poisonous thoughts. It affects our minds, body and spirit. It affects and contaminates our perspective, outlook and self image. I am sure we have all met people who are bitter, negative and always expect the worse to happen. They can be cynical and criticize everything. Think to how you feel being around someone with those so called ‘qualities’ or characteristics. Do you feel dread? A sense of hopelessness? These are the ones that need a mental/spiritual cleansing. Now, you may be wondering, how do you detoxify your mind and spirit? Well, first you must decide to starve the mind of the impurities of dwelling on situations. You must decide to let them go. Okay, it happened, dwelling on it won’t make it go away any faster or come to pass quicker. By dwelling on negativity, you keep it alive and around you. In other words, you are feeding it and giving it new life and so it tends to stick around. Example, don’t dwell on what you don’t have, look at what you do have. Don’t dwell on the illness, loss of work, what mistakes have been made. Your best days are still ahead of you. They are in front of you. You’ve heard the saying, the best is yet to come. Well, detox your mind and it will be. Strength and victory can be yours. Keeps thoughts of faith, hope and be determined to be a valor and have victory. It takes as much energy to think positive as it does to think negative.

Now, once people have detoxified their bodies of the chemicals and pesticides that have occurred as a result of their diets over the years, they tend to see improvement in some areas and even feel better - more energized, more creative, more healthier. Well, by detoxing your mind of these negative thoughts, you can put yourself on a spiritual diet to obtain victory and joy. Don’t you think its time to bring that back into your life? Lets get back the confidence. Instead of saying I can’t do this, why not turn it around and think, how can I make this possible and have it happen. Let go of disappointments and hurts, learn from them, then turn it around. It is possible and you hold the key. Do you have faith? Do you believe in God? Well, if He leads you to it, he’ll lead you through it. God loves you and wants you to overcome. He wants you to be happy, enjoy the day you’ve been given. If someone tries to dampen your spirit, think to yourself, who do they think they are? I refuse to let them rain on my parade. This day is a gift and I’ve decided to be happy and face things with strength. Smile at the person and walk away. Leave the misery behind you. Don’t give in to why can’t you be like your brother or sister. Why can’t you be smarter in school. How can you not grasp or understand my concern? Or what about this one, you know you’ll never amount to nothing, you’ll never succeed, etc. You are who you are. You are unique and different from everyone else. People haven’t been cloned to be alike in every aspect. You are who God wants you to be. All things are possible with faith. What matters is what God thinks of us. That is precisely how I made it through some of my younger years. I was different and considered strange because of my ‘gifts’ that I was given. People didn’t understand and some may have even been scared. At first, it bugged me immensely. Then I got over it. I don’t care what they think or say. What matters is how I feel and think and what God thinks. He thought me worthy which is why he made me different than them. Or it could be I’m more sensitive to things than they were. It helped me to think differently and by thinking God doesn’t think of me as a freak or as scary, then I didn’t let those thoughts penetrate my mind anymore.

Try detoxing the mind. It might just do you better then you can imagine. Brightest blessings!

Written by LAA in 2009 - reposted.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

The 12 Universal Laws

Here is yet another very informative video. Try applying this insight to your daily life and see the difference it can make. Love, light and blessings.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

The 12 Laws of Karma

This important reminder is for those of you who have forgotten or did not know about it at all. Apply these Laws into your everyday life routine and see a difference. Namaste and blessings.

Friday, October 29, 2010

All Souls Night - it's here! Celebrate!

A wonderful song for this time of year. How very appropriate. I have always loved Loreena. She is one of my most favorite singers. Her songs are brilliant and her voice...just hypnotic at times. Be sure to listen, pray and celebrate. Be mindful of those who have transitioned before us and left this physical realm. The veil is very thin during this time so pray, celebrate, remember those who have moved on, ask for blessings, give offerings.

Listen....with your heart.

This is one of my most favorite all time videos. I love to spend time outdoors, no matter how cold or rainy. I make it a point to be out in nature. Trees are amazing and I love to walk among them. Have you hugged a tree lately?

Thursday, October 28, 2010

People come into your life for a reason and a purpose.

Wonderful wisdom. There are times when you can find the answers you seek by listening and observing others.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Pennies from Heaven..?

Here is a wonderful article that I stumbled upon. For those of you who believe in or work with angels and spirit guides, it's worth your time to read. For those of you who don't believe, it's still worth taking a looksie at. You just might find the answer you've been looking for. Brightest blessings to all.


Multi dimensional Chakras.

Here is a wonderfully enlightening video on Chakras. Learn to understand, use and apply this wisdom to your everyday life. Don't you think it's time to rise up to your higher self?

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Guides - you are never alone.

This is a stunning video with a very profound message specifically for you. Namaste and blessings.

Monday, October 25, 2010

The Voyage - by Paul 'Wildcat' Sutherland.

The voyage of life ...Where are we? Where are we going? Do you ever take the time to stop and think? Do you ever slow down and go within to find the answers you are looking for? You are the creator of your destiny ...

The Voyage ... by Paul "Wildcat" Sutherland

As you journey through your life, do you ever pause for thought? Have you ever taken time to sense how much you’ve learned or taught? Most humans just don’t think at all beyond their basic needs or what the consequences are. Of all their acts and deeds, the voyage can be long and hard, though easy for a few. But how the trip turns out my friend, is really up to you. For only you can choose the way. Your vessel will set sail. Just listen closley to your heart and you will never fail. Deep within your heart and soul a light shines bright and true. Like an eternal flame of love, it’s always there with you. So take some time to meditate
and give yourself respect. Go inside, be with your source. You’ll see how you connect. Give yourself the priceless gift of faith, of love and light. For divinity within in you will always steer you right. You never have to walk alone or find you’re lost at sea. You smooth the voyage for your soul when you pause, slow down and be.

(I thought this was a very profound message, worth posting and considering. Brightest blessings).

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Please help in the protest against the hunting of these wolves.

I am concerned after reading this article. I actually belong to many charities and do donate a portion of my proceeds to different wildlife charities - from wolves (WWF) to humane societies, to farm horses that are beaten, to animals that are skinned, beaten/abused/abandoned to circus animals that are cruelly treated and the list goes on. There are not many of these animals left....soon they will be extinct. Please make a change. Together, we have power and we can make a difference and bring about change. I signed the petition. Did you?


You never know what you will come back as (if you believe in re-incarnation). Animals have emotions and fears the same as us humans. Thank you for the time and effort to help save the Creators blessed creatures.


Your beliefs, like thoughts, create your reality because they are linked together.

Friday, October 22, 2010

The power of thoughts.

Thoughts really play a huge role in our everyday lives. Many of the problems encountered is due to the way we think. It's time to reprogram our minds. Try it for a week and see what the outcome is.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Living and working with Cats - by The Conscious Cat.

I loved this story. How true it is. My furball is a Godsend, to say the very least. She participates in numerous day to day activities with me. Just last night, I was up feeling a tad lousy with my acid reflux acting up. She sensed my discomfort, came right over and hopped up on me. (She is almost 20 pounds, lol). She waited til I got situation and then laid right across my abdomen. Within 15 mintes, I was fine. Talk about a healer....she is full of magickal Reiki.

Here is a partial of the article written by The Conscious Cat. Enjoy - and include your furry friend in things. You'll be amazed of their wisdom, power and magic.

For the last fifteen years, I’ve been fortunate that cats have not only played a fundamental role in my home life, they’ve also been a significant part of my work life. And I wouldn’t want it any other way.

It all started with two office cats at the veterinary hospital I managed. First, there was Virginia, who I fell in love with at my initial interview despite the fact that her introduction to me involved claws and runs in my stockings. She ruled the office with an iron paw, assisting me with paperwork, often by sitting right on top of it, and kept me in line with frequent swats at my mouse hand. Several years after Virginia went to the big office in the sky, Buckley took over as office cat. In addition to supervising my work and making even the less glamorous aspects of my job more fun through her joyful presence, she had another job at the clinic—to provide comfort to the animal patients and to distract their worried owners. There were times when she disappeared from the office, and when I went looking for her, I found her on the bench in the waiting room, next to a client waiting for news about a sick pet, cuddled up to the person, asking to be petted, and making them smile through their worry. Other times, she curled up next to a recovering cat or dog in the treatment room.

To read the article in full, please click here.

The Journey....

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Always be yourself.

Be yourself and celebrate your unique-ness!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Friday, October 15, 2010


The days are shorter and the nights getting longer.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Mother Earth's beauty - elements and seasons.

The beauty of our universe.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Yay, I am happy to read this!

Druids recognized as religion in UK.

LONDON – Druids have been worshipping the sun and earth for thousands of years in Europe, but now they can say they're practicing an officially recognized religion.

The ancient pagan tradition best known for gatherings at Stonehenge every summer solstice has been formally classed as a religion under charity law for the first time in Britain, the national charity regulator said Saturday. That means Druids can receive exemptions from taxes on donations and now have the same status as such mainstream religions as the Church of England.

Druids have practiced for thousands of years in Britain and in Celtic societies elsewhere in Europe. They worship natural forces such as thunder and the sun, and spirits they believe arise from places such as mountains and rivers. They do not worship a single god or creator, but seek to cultivate a sacred relationship with the natural world.

Although many see them as robed, mysterious people who gather every summer solstice at Stonehenge — which predates the Druids — believers say modern Druidry is chiefly concerned with helping practitioners connect with nature and themselves through rituals, dancing and singing at stone circles and other sites throughout the country believed to be "sacred."

Ancient Druids were known to be religious leaders, judges and sages among the Celts during pre-Christian times, although little evidence about their lives survived. There are now various Druid orders and about 10,000 practitioners in Britain — and believers said the numbers are growing because more people are becoming aware of the importance to preserve the environment.

The Druid Network fought for nearly five years to be recognized under the semi-governmental Charity Commission, which requires proof of cohesive and serious belief in a supreme entity and a moral framework.

After initially rejecting the Druid Network's application, the Charity Commission decided this week that Druidry fit the bill. "There is sufficient belief in a supreme being or entity to constitute a religion for the purposes of charity law," the commission said. Adrian Rooke, a Druid who works as a counselor, said Druidry appeals to people who are turning away from monotheistic religions but still long for an aspect of spirituality in their lives. "It uplifts the spirit," he said. "The world is running out of resources, and in that context it's more important to people now to formulate a relationship with nature."

To read article in it's entirity, please click the link below.

Friday, October 8, 2010

New Moon in Libra-food for thought.

Autumn Equinox Moon: Dreaming with All My Relations

New Moon in Libra: Oct 7 - Nov 4 2010

Did you experience enough changes during the Virgo Moon cycle in the past 28 days? Was it very cleansing, creative and moving? We are now finishing this moon and hopefully you paid attention to your intention for a few weeks...

This is the great moon of relationship, marriages, business partnerships, all types of committed partnerships and the cultural laws of right relationship. Autumn new moons begin a time of re-balance, because as we head towards the winter moons, we begin to slow down.

Venus rules this moon cycle and this month we have a lot of Libra energy and planets upon us. When working with moon medicine, its always the opposite so we play out our moon in a more independent Aries archetype. Aries is the independent eternal child, as all fire signs are in order to constantly create. Aries rules the self within relationship and what the self needs for passion. Venus is all about needs and comfort, beauty and harmony in relationships, so the opposite meets and we meet the opposite in this moon

... the celestial line-up in Libra this Moon Cycle is:
Sun (me in the world)
Moon (me within my inner world)
Saturn (me and my responsibilities to my physical world)
Mercury (me and my communication or lack of)
Hygiea (me and my personal health)
Vesta (me and the fire of my feminine)

Roll all these planets into the arena of Relationship and we get one more clue to how we behave, how we express emotion and how we need to compromise or set boundaries or both.

Spring is the opposing energy of Autumn, so rather than jumping forward - we move toward retreat, instead of going all the way and starting something new in relationships of any kind, we pull back and move inward towards a unique relationship with the self. What we planted last spring, has now come to harvest this moon cycle. Sooner or later, this daughter of a modern moon myth, has a much older and wiser sister... Venus is the light closest to the earth that shines the brightest along with her sister Moon and shines forth all of our inner duality - the one with ourself and with others. How we balance this is a matter of awareness without judgement and with great discernment.

Venus shines so bright because Libra rules culture, the arts, the humanities, the expressions of right relationships with beauty, not only its imbalance but the hidden inner beauty wishing to shine forth. This moon cycle we can feel alone or socially over booked, so assess and set your intentions to re-balance where you sit in your world.

We are either at one stage or another in our most important relationships:
1. finding; 2. building; 3. clarifying; 4. maintaining; 5. surrendering; 6. destoying; 7. letting go or 8. alone in in human relationships...

What relationship is most important right now in the last three days? What phase is it in? If you work on relationships with someone in this manner, then you can navigate Venus or mother earths Autumn territory with a little bit more clarity, groundedness and decisive action.

Sample New Moon Intentions this month...
I have appropriate boundaries
I am balanced and grounded
I am supportive of my needs
I am creative expressing my joy
I am beautiful
I adore my life (fake it till you make it)
I am exploring where I am at in my life
I am in the present moment

(This was sent compliments of my friend, Mary. She must have been reading my thoughts-because she saved me from having to write a bit about this moon. I thought I'd share with a few people).

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Grounding and cleansing.


Beautiful! Hope you enjoy!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Hearing the voice of your spirit.

If you are a Christ follower and are ready to give yourself the opportunity to open up to Him, this is a video for you.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Meditation for spirit.

This is a great video for beginners. When I first started, I used to picture the staircase. At the top of it was paradise - it could be anything I wanted. It could have been a path in the wood, a gorgeous lake, whatever I found to be sacred and protective which would be calming and peaceful to me. It was my very own secret and sacred place. Why not invent your own beautiful secret place?

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Meditation to help you observe and know yourself.

This is a great video to help you better understand yourself as a whole. Know yourself, know your body, know your mind. Understanding this can help you with your spirituality and can help you to meditate properly.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Connecting to Spirit Guides and Guardian Angels

Please keep in mind, that when you are working on meditation, it will take lots of practice. This is not something that will happen overnight. You must be patient because results will vary depending on level of the individual. Some of you are beginners, some are more advanced. Take your time and learn to quiet your mind and visualize. If you'd like to learn more on visualization, please let me know. I teach lessons.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Calling your spirit guide.

This video is recorded in a very low voice. You may have to turn your volume up, however, be sure to adjust it as you see fit. Brightest blessings.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Meditation - How to meet your spirit guide.

This video mentions the Twin Soul. Here is a little information that you should know and understand about the Twin Soul. Each individual has 12 twin souls. They are part of the twin mate grouping, however these 12 are extremely close to your earthwork. Some of you will be blessed to have a few of these beings close to you on earth. You will or may feel as if you have known and worked with one another forever, and truly you have. This is likened to the 12 ascended masters you will link up to on your climb to the Christ/God/Goddess Light. A very few of you are twin souls to the 12 masters that are on your line-up awaiting your arrival. This is for instructing purposes, as you are a teacher of magnitude and your energy is linked to this consciousness of light.

There have been many blessed romantic encounters with this group of beings. The ratio of male/female on each grouping is dependent on lessons and/or experiences one needs to attain for advancement into the higher realms of light.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Monday, September 27, 2010

A little history on upcoming Fall events and festivities.

The beautiful ‘Fall’ season and what it holds in store. The gatherings and celebrations are a plenty. There will be parties and celebrations galore, with many many laughs and memories in store. October hosts many festivals-from Fallfest’s to Winefests and many countries participate in the celebrating. There is Oktoberfest, Dussehra, Sukkot, All Hallows Eve, and Thanksgiving in Canada just to name a few. Here is a little history on these wonderful festivals.

Sukkot 2010: Sept 22-29:
Sukkot 2010 begins at sundown on September 22, running until sundown on September 29. Sukkot is also called "the Feast of Tabernacles", and falls on the 15th day of the Hebrew month of Tishrei. Sukkot literally translates to "booths" or "tabernacles". Sukkot began as a sort of Jewish Thanksgiving, celebrating the harvest of crops and wine ("Feast of the Ingathering"). Historically, Sukkot commemorates the 40-year period during which the Israelites wandered the desert: a tabernacle, in its original sense, is a portable and somewhat fragile dwelling in which Israelites used after the Exodus from Egypt. It is one of the three biblically mandated Shalosh regalim where Jews make pilgrimages to the Temple. The Holy time lasts seven days, including Chol Hamoe, and is immediately followed by another festive day known as Shemini Atzeret.

Oktoberfest is a 16 to 18 day festival held each year in Munich, Bavaria, Germany running from late September to the first weekend in October. It is one of the most famous events in Germany with some six million people attending every year. The Oktoberfest is an important part of the Bavarian culture. Other cities, across the world, also hold Oktoberfest celebrations modeled after this Munich event.

The Munich Oktoberfest traditionally takes place during the 16 days up to and including the first Sunday in October. In 1994, the schedule was modified in response to German reunification so that if the first Sunday in October falls on the 1st or 2nd, then the festival will go on until October 3rd, which is German Unity Day. The festival is now 17 days when the 1st Sunday is October 2nd and 18 days when it is October 1st. In 2010, the festival lasts exceptionally until the first October Monday, to mark the 200 year jubilee of the event. Festivity gather-ee’s eat huge amounts of traditional hearty fare - such as Hendl (chicken), Schweinsbraten (roast pork), Schweinshaxe (ham hock), Steckerlfisch (grilled fish on a stick), Würstl (sausage) along with Brezn (pretzel), Knodel (potato or bread dumplings), Kasspatzn (cheese noodles), Reiberdatschi (potato pancake), Sauerkraut/Blaukraut (red cabbage), as well as Obatzda which is a spicey cheese butter spread and Weisswurst, which is a white sausage.

Dussehra (Oct. 17) is a popular festival celebrated by Hindus all over India, although it can be known by different names. It is also known as Vijayadashmi ('Vijay' meaning 'victory' and 'Dashmi meaning 'tenth day), as it is believed that it was on this day that Lord Rama killed the demon-king, Ravana and rescued his abducted wife - Sita. In other words, it signifies the triumph of good over evil. The legendary triumph is reenacted to the day. In the northern parts of India, huge effigies of Ravana, his giant brother Kumbhkarna and son Meghnath are placed in vast open grounds. Fireworks and crackers are placed inside the effigies.

Actors will dress as Rama, Sita (Rama’s wife) and Lakshmana (Rama’s brother) and re-enact the time of the battle at the Ramlila ground. After the enactment of the climax of the war with Ravana, the character playing Rama shoots an arrow with a flaming tip and the crowd gatherers will cheer. Merriment ensues as people indulge themselves games, dance and music that are held at the fair.Bengalis celebrate Dusshera as a part of their main festival - Durga Puja. This day marks the end of Durga Pooja celebrations, the preceding nine days being collectively referred to as 'Navratri'. Vijayadashmi is dedicated to Mother Goddess Shakti, who incarnated in the form of Goddess Durga, a combined manifestation of the divine energies of the Holy Trinity - Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh and all the other devatas, when they summoned her to kill the mighty demon known as Mahishasura and freed the world from his terror.

On Vijayadashmi, the idols of Goddess Durga are immersed into water, after the nine days of festivities. It is said that the people of the earth in the eastern state of West Bengal adopted Durga as their daughter and thus, she visits the home of her parents every year, during the last four days of Navratri, along with her sons Ganesha and Kartikeya, and daughters Lakshmi and Saraswati. She finally leaves for her husband's place on Vijayadashmi. Similar customs are seen in Orissa and Assam. In the North-eastern state of Tripura, huge fairs are conducted and effigies of Ravana, Meghnath and Kumbhkarna are burnts at Ramlila maidans.

In the southern states of Tamil Nadu and Kerala, Vijayadashmi holds special significance. The day is considered auspicious for starting education or any form of art, such as dance and music. Saraswati Puja is conducted on the day, when the formal commencement of education of small kids takes place. It is called 'Vidya aarambham' (the beginning of Vidya, meaning education). In Karnataka (especially Mysore) and Andhra Pradesh, Dusshera is celebrated with fanfare. Huge processions can be witnessed in both the States. Although Dussehra is celebrated in different ways across India, the motive remains the same - to spread good cheer and celebrate the victory of good over the evil.

Halloween: October 31
Behind the name, Halloween (Hallow E'en as they call it in Ireland) means All Hallows Eve or the night before the 'All Hallows.' It’s also called All Hallowmas, All Saints or All Souls Day. Roman Catholics, Episcopalians and Lutherians would observe All Hallows Day to honor all Saints in heaven, known or unknown. They used to consider it with all solemnity as one of the most significant observances of the church year and all Catholics were obliged to attend Mass. The Romans observed the holiday of Feralia, intended to give rest and peace to the departed. Participants made sacrifices in honor of the dead, offered up prayers for them, and made offerings to them. In the 7th century, Pope Boniface IV introduced All Saints' Day to replace the pagan festival of the dead. It was observed on May 13. Later, Gregory III changed the date to November 1.

The Greek Orthodox Church observes it on the first Sunday after Pentecost. Despite this connection with the Roman Church, the American version of Halloween Day celebration owes its origin to the ancient Druidic fire festival called Samhain, celebrated by the Celts in Scotland, Wales and Ireland. Samhain is pronounced "sow-in", with "sow" rhyming with cow. In Ireland the festival was known as Samhein, or La Samon, the Feast of the Sun. In Scotland, the celebration was known as Hallowe'en. In Welsh it's Nos Galen-gaeof (that is, the Night of the Winter Calends. According to the Irish English dictionary published by the Irish Texts Society: "Samhain, All Hallowtide, the feast of the dead in Pagan and Christian times, signalizing the close of harvest and the initiation of the winter season, lasting till May, during which troops (esp. the Fiann) were quartered. Faeries were imagined as particularly active at this season. From this, the half year is reckoned and is also called Feile Moingfinne (Snow Goddess). The Scotts defines it as Hallowtide. The Feast of All Soula. Sam + Fuin = end of summer. Contrary to the information published by many organizations, there is no archaeological or literary evidence to indicate that Samhain was a deity. The Celtic Gods of the dead were Gwynn ap Nudd and Arawn for the Welsh. Most of the customs connected with the Day are remnants of the ancient religious beliefs and rituals, first of the Druids and then transcended amongst the Roman Christians, who conquered them.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

It's that time of year again - Autumn parties and Fall festivities.

Okay, we all know that Autumn is the time of harvest where we gather the bounty of our efforts from our hard work. This is also considered the time of change, transition or death since the pace now quickens as winter hastens to kick in and the night becomes longer as the days shorten. During this time, we see brilliant displays of color splashed all around us - leaves on the trees, flowers and plant folliage and, of course, there are many displays of pumpkins, squash, gourds and colored corn. Hanging colored corn around a room or decorating a door with it can create a bountiful mood.

Here are some interesting beliefs about corn and it's magical qualities. White or snow/silver queen corn is believed to sweeten people up to a new idea or to form a friendship. Yellow corn would help seal a deal or bring out fullness of friends/relationships. Corn served with unsalted butter was believed to be good for emotional ties and corn with salted butter was to be good for business.

Squash and pumpkins are sacred to Oshun (African/Cuban goddess who resides over love and gold). In Native American and European lore, the pumpkin was eaten for prosperity or fertility. Spiced pumpkin is believed to make wishes come true. Jack-o-lanterns were believed to scare away harmful forces. You may also see many as table decorations, centerpieces or they are placed on porches and used to decorate outside.

Pomegranates, in Middle Eastern traditions, represent prosperiety. In Greek lore, it represents female power and mystery.

Apples, of course, can be eaten at any time of year, but it is said that when they are ingested in the fall season, they bring special blessings. The apple has been known to be the fruit of the Goddess and represents her creative power. Should you take an apple and cut it in half (horizontally), you can see the five pointed star known as the pentagram. (For more on the pentagram symbol, please see my article/note about it).

Many types of spicy foods are served during this season. Spicy foods warm the blood, create energy and can open the sinus's to prepare the body for the oncoming winter. Have a joyous and festive fall season.

Just a little note.

Hello, greetings and Merry meet to all. Just a quick note to say that I apologize for the delay in postings to my blog. I ended up taking a hiatus due to the path that I was journeying on. Let me explain. I took a job back in May that really threw me for a loop. It was not at all what I had expected and it was very demanding. It messed up my normal routine and tied up much of my time. However, I allowed myself to stay 'caged in' for longer then I should have. I left that job a few weeks ago and really needed to repair the damaged to myself that I allowed to happen. Again, I apologize for the delay with postings, but I am now ready and excited to start them again.

Love, light and blessings to all. ~ Luna.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Releasing the Divine Feminine-James Tyman

James Twyman is an internationally renowned, best-selling author, filmmaker and musician who has a reputation for travelling to some of the world's greatest areas of conflict, sharing his message of peace. James has performed at the United Nations, and the Pentagon and war zones such as Bosnia, Iraq, Northern Ireland and Russia. James has written ten books including Emissary of Light and The Moses Code. He has also produced or directed four films including the award winning Indigo, and the film version of The Moses Code. Known as the Peace Troubladour his work has inspired hundreds of thousands of people.

This recording lasts 22 minutes. Enjoy.


Sunday, July 25, 2010

I am, I am, I am.......video worth peeking at.

Great video to remind you of how wonderful, special and unique we all are. Enjoy!


Saturday, July 24, 2010

Confidence in the spiritual path-by Benjamin Ka-han McAvoy

Commitment means that we know, in our heart of hearts, that we shall persevere in a course of action, come what may. Good parents are defined by their utter commitment to the welfare of their children, regardless of whatever challenges may arise. On the ground, when we meet the unforeseen events brought by time, creativity and compromise may be necessary; we may need to bend without breaking our commitment.

What causes us to commit ourselves to a course of action? In the case of parenting, it is love and conscience, knowing intuitively what’s right, what matters. In the case of the spiritual path, it is the same. Love and intuiting the truth about our world bring us toward a stronger, more all-encompassing commitment to the spiritual journey. The circumstances precipitating commitment vary as widely as people. The “how I got started on the path” stories always fascinate, with their coincidences and unexpected episodes.

The spiritual quest begins with the excitement of a new discovery, a new love, a new world. We eagerly learn the methods and practice them with zest. Our teachers inspire confidence in the possibility of transformation and arouse our hope that our own sincere efforts will carry us far along the path. Early results of our practice surprise and delight us, confirming the rightness of the approach and establishing our confidence in the path.

Then a dry spell enters. With no noticeable progress or evident movement, we seem to be treading water. Seeing how we are inwardly, always identifying with thoughts, emotions, and body, gradually builds a weariness of this ordinary way of living. We cannot stop our quest, but we also cannot see our way forward. The weariness, however, leaves us nowhere else to turn. Faith and commitment enable us to persevere through such spiritual deserts. Then somehow we bridge the abyss. For example, we realize that we practice because we must. And furthermore, that the source of this “must” lies beyond our consciousness, in the unseen realm that gives faith. This realization leads to confidence that we shall not stop, shall never give up. Our inner work reaches a new tempo and depth, allowing confidence in our own eventual transformation to take root, further bolstering our practice. We reach unexpected experiences of higher states and intimations of possibilities of deeper forms of service. This reinvigorates our commitment to the path toward greater being.

A new difficulty arises, however, where despite our continuing best efforts, we reach another plateau of no further progress. Our confidence in our practice and in our own future transformation evaporates for a time. At a loss, we turn toward the higher and ask for help. Then our confidence shifts from ourselves to the Divine. We discover the faith that eventually the door to love and the higher worlds will open even to us.

And so we continue. Sometimes our movement is passionate, even desperate. Commitment and desperation form two wings of the same force, the flame of longing for the Real. Desperation combines this intense longing with the dissatisfaction of separation and the fear of failure in the quest. Desperation burns urgently and transports us to new peaks, but soon flickers. Commitment, however, remains to warm and sustain us through the inevitable droughts. The basic longing behind both commitment and desperation moves us, offers us tastes of new worlds, and brings confidence in ourselves, in the path, and in the Higher.

Continue your wonderful work my friends

Light as always
Benjamin ♥
share all to help each other♥

Friday, July 23, 2010

Understanding Lightbody.

What is Lightbody? (Free MP3 Interview-curtisy of Steve Nobel)

This recording explores the Ascension process and how working with the Lightbody facilitates that. Ahlmeirah Ariel Hallaire was born in France and raised in Ireland. She qualified as a Medical Doctor in 1994 and practised in Dublin covering the specialities of casualty, paediatrics, psychiatry, and general practice until 1998. She moved to England in 2000. There she established the Center for Conscious Ascension with Nicolas David Ngan in 2002 as a vehicle for accelerating the Ascension process.

On this podcast you will learn:

*To understand the ascension process happening right now;
*How to work with spiritual detox;
*To recognise when the lightbody is being activated;
*To bring online your divine expression and purpose.

Listen Now...

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Thoughts to ponder about disease-by Benjamin Ka-han McAvoy

Here is a yet another article written by my friend, Benjamin. He is always thinking and voicing thoughts-sharing wisdom and helping others in their own well being. Love and light to all.

Why Disease Happens by Benjamin Ka-han McAvoy

There are several contributing factors as to why disease happens. First and foremost, falsehood, which is simply a lack or absence of truth, love, health, etc. As was mentioned in the EFT paragraph above, a blockage in the body's acupuncture energy meridian system happens before the symptoms of disease show up, and these blockages are due to our lifestyle choices and way of being. As well as an energy blockage, our way of being also leads to an imbalance in the body's pH levels, as well as cell dysfunction, both of which happen before the symptoms of disease come about. Pretty much every disease share these 4 common things: Cell dysfunction, a nutrient deficiency, an energy blockage in the acupuncture meridian system, and a pH imbalance. And all four of these are the result of unawareness and the absence of truth, love, and health.

Saying Goodbye to Disease, So to fix all of these problems that were just listed, we first need the truth. Now that we have an understanding of what MIGHT be the truth, we can put it to practice to see if it actually is or not. After all, nobody really KNOWS the truth unless something has been experienced FIRSTHAND, and even then only under certain circumstances. Nobody KNOWS the truth unless they ARE that which is to be known. Second and thirdly, we need motivation and at least a little self-discipline. Motivation usually comes when an individual has grown "sick and tired of being sick and tired", and this is all the motivation they need! For those who haven't reached those extreme lows of the depths of hell, it might help to question whether we really want to reach that point before we learn the lesson. It's a matter of learning the easy way or the hard way. It's generally far easier to prevent disease than trying to regain it. For those interested in preventing disease, their motivation is usually the joy and benefits of an enjoyable healthy life that lets them live life fully, quite often for the benefit of others. We experience the love, joy and happiness that we ARE by simply BEING it and sharing it with others, and if it's not shared with others, it won't be experienced. Denying love, joy and happiness in others, is actually denying yourself of it. Similarily, denying yourself of love also denies others of it. If a light bulb just appeared above your head, you're on your way to a much more enjoyable life!

Hope this makes sense
Benjamin ♥

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Do you have a spiritual mission? If so, what is it and how do you find out?

My friend, Steve, has been doing his share of creative work also. I have not listened to this yet, but in the past, I have listened to many and do enjoy the wealth of info contained in these podcasts. Hopefully, you may have listened to a few also that I have posted.
In this 55 minute talk, you will find out about the nuts and bolts of your spiritual mission. What are you here to do? How can you know your mission with all the distractions and responsibilities of the world? Well here is your chance to find out how.



Saturday, July 3, 2010

Being Movement Conscious.

Boy oh boy has my friend, Benjamin, been on a roll with his writing and thoughts. His creativity and deep thought is certainly on the rise. He makes good points so I am passing on some of his wisdom and what has been on his mind lately, just in case you've been thinking about the same kind of stuff. Enjoy.

Written by Benjamin Ka-han McAvoy
Reveling in the joy of movement comes naturally to life. We can see it in animals, in infants, and in ourselves. Whether in the fine motor control of the seamstress and the musician, or in the supple whole body movements of the athlete and the dancer, or in the everyday movement of walking, life is in motion. As with every other aspect of life, we can infuse our experience of movement with our spiritual pursuit.

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In the practice of conscious movement we establish awareness in bodily sensations. As a starting point, we bring consciousness to simple, repetitious movements. Examples include walking, running, and exercising. Because we walk so often, walking can serve as an excellent basis for our inner work with movement. The same technique we shall describe for conscious walking applies to any type of movement, from gardening and sawing to typing, cooking, and brushing our teeth.
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In walking, we begin with awareness of our feet, of the sensations of our feet touching the ground, lifting, moving forward, and touching the ground again. The practice of walking meditation, in which we typically move very slowly with full awareness of the sensations in our feet, trains us in conscious movement. Gradually, we expand the field of awareness beyond the feet, to include the sensations of the legs in movement, the arms, and the entire body. Finally, we transfer this training into awareness of sensations in walking at our ordinary pace, walking through life with full mindfulness, whether for a few steps or a thousand. Rather than mentally arriving at our destination before we get there, we continuously arrive where we are, in our body. Instead of moving from the outside, as if our body were merely an object, we move from the inside, from sensation.
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Intention constitutes a crucial element of conscious movement. The complete practice of conscious movement calls for more than sensing our bodies in movement, more even than being conscious of those sensations. We need a third element: the full intention to move, to do exactly what we’re doing. Half-hearted, divided intentions lead to half-hearted presence. Whether sewing, cooking, shaving, brushing teeth, bathing, walking, running, driving a car, typing, chewing, combing hair, tying shoes, buckling a belt, buttoning buttons, or carrying out the trash, full engagement arises from the full intention to perform the action. This does not mean simply forming an intention once at the beginning, but also keeping that intention active throughout the action. We participate with intention in every moment of it. Any movement performed consciously and with whole intention has the potential to transform our life, shining awareness into the dark recesses, enlightening and enlivening us.
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Finally, we may enter into sacred movement, which, to have real meaning, must at least be conscious. Sacred movement includes all rituals, gestures, and dances performed as acts of worship. Sacred movement engages the whole of our being. In it we pray, not just with our minds and hearts, but also with our bodies. In those forms of prayer that include movement, we move with particular care, with soft-heartedness filling our bodies, in an all-inclusive offering of ourselves to the Divine.
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Hope this helps in some way

Light and Energy to all

Friday, July 2, 2010

Fasting - and it's benefits.

Here is something a little different. Many people are starting to become 'awakened' in their spirituality. I see it all the time and am questioned now by my customers on this subject. We have pondered idea's, beliefs and have opened the mind to try different things. Fasting is old practice that has been around for millenium. Just like Christians may give up something during the Lent season - perhaps a habit, perhaps a favorite food or drink or they may even give up meat on Fridays and eat only fish or vegitarian dishes for the length of time. Fasting is practiced by many religions/faiths. It's not something I would recommend for diabetics or children, but it gives you something to think about on your quest to knowing thyself and the spiritual aspect that you may be seeking.

Written by Benjamin Ka-han McAvoy

From time immemorial, serious seekers across the spectrum of religious and spiritual traditions have engaged in ascetic practices. One of the most ancient and effective of these is fasting, still practiced in many religions and paths up to the present day. During the holy month of Ramadan, for example, Muslims take no food or drink from sunrise to sunset each day for the entire month. Similarly, on the day of Yom Kippur, Jews forgo food and drink from sunset to sunset. In fasting, we sacrifice our own personal desires for the Divine. However, the true depth of the action of that sacrifice lies beyond our consciousness.

It is, in fact, unfailingly surprising how well fasting invigorates one’s spiritual practices, such as being present. With so many aspects of life, wherein we face choices of how to live, how to act, and what to do, those choices do not always involve moral issues, e.g., how much to eat. We need a criterion, a compass to point us along our way, and that criterion can simply be our ability to be present. If certain activities and ways of living increase that, then we recognize them as appropriate for us on our path. If other activities decrease our ability to be present, we work to eliminate or diminish them.

With our ability to be present as a measure of our being, what a remarkable effect a single day’s fast can have! Not only does it serve as a personal, small scale sacrifice to our Lord, and not only does it serve to make our body feel more healthy, alert, and energetic in the days following the fast, but it clearly also provides a major boost to our ability to be present. During a fast, the energies normally used in digesting food become available to be transformed into the energies of awareness. Fasting also diverts some of the energy that typically flows into associative thinking and daydreaming, leaving our minds better able to settle into a quieter, more spacious mode. Thus, fasting brings us back to ourselves more often. When we do come back to ourselves during and after a fast, we more readily recognize the importance of presence and abide longer in presence. The sacrifice of fasting increases our commitment to the path. And almost magically, fasting brings us toward that deeper place in us, toward joy, stillness, and love, toward that place where God truly can see through our eyes.

In practice, we see different, effective forms of fasting. Here is one. Choose a period of either 24 or 36 hours for the fast. On the day prior and the day after the fast, eat slightly less than normal. During the fast eat nothing, and drink only water. Drinking water makes the fast easier on the body while not significantly diminishing the beneficial spiritual effects of the fast. Fast no more than once a week. As with any spiritual practice, we must follow our common sense not to harm our bodies, our jobs, our relationships. Medical problems also may prevent us from fasting. If in doubt about this, ask your doctor.

The powerful practice of fasting should be undertaken in a serious manner, not to achieve some high, but as an act of service to the spiritual reality. Consequently, during and after a fast, we make an extra effort to be present as much as possible. If prayer forms part of our path, then a fast day can also be a good day for prayer. Finally, when we fast we can empathize with the hundreds of millions of people who experience chronic undernourishment due to lack of adequate food supplies. Our compassion can grow for the suffering of those who, unlike ourselves, do not have a choice about abstaining from food.
Light and Blessings to all
Benjamin ♥