Welcome to my spiritual blog!

I hope you can find all kinds of helpful info here. I hope you will enjoy broadening your mind and opening yourself up to the limitless possibilities that await you. Brightest blessings to all!

Be sure to check out my helpful tip and suggestion blog at: http://skycladluna.blogspot.com

Thought for the day:

Life is an echo - what you send out does comes back.

Friday, January 18, 2013

What is the Ankh?

Signs and Symbols: The Ankh (Also worn as a talisman)

The Ankh is one of the most famous and widely used symbols of Ancient Egypt. It appeared in hieroglyphic text and iconographic art all over ancient Egypt. Yet, there is much debate over the origin of the symbol. Gardiner (who composed the standard sign list) suggested that it was a sandal strap. This part of the sandal was called 'nkh but it is not clear whether this name was applied retrospectively because of the similarity in shape. Others have suggested that it was a totem representing male and female reproductive parts, a sun on the horizon with the path of the sun before it, and a ceremonial girdle. It may also have been associated with the "Sa" (the hieroglyphic symbol which represented magical protection) and has also been linked to the Tjet (also known as the "knot of Isis") which has also been described as a ceremonial girdle.

The symbol is also an Ancient Egyptian hieroglyph which represents the hieroglyph ´nh (ankh) meaning "life" or "breath of life". The glyph appears in an incredible number of inscriptions and was often used as a decorative device. Many of the gods of Egypt are depicted bearing an Ankh to represent their vivacity and immortality. Occasionally the god (or goddess) extends the Ankh to the Pharaoh, indicating both the gift of life and the purification of the subject.

The Ankh was also associated with life after death. The dead were sometimes referred to as "ankhu" and sarcophagi were also known as "neb-ankh" (possessor of life).

Taken from Ancient Egypt Online   (I hope this helps) Brightest blessings.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year, new you, new career?

Here we are again saying good bye and departing from one year and welcoming in the new hopeful year. For some, 2012 was harsh with people losing their homes, jobs as well as many other circumstances. Here is a little spell to help with employment that I have in my BOS.

It is an oldie but a goodie. As with any spell, be sure to do in the correct moon phase. I would emphasize that once work comes your way, bury the silk in mother earth and allow it to rot, this is returning it to the earth. You should use green silk as that has the color corresponding to wealth. The nine knots represent the power of 3x3. You do this spell in the New Moon and continue for the next 14 nights until the Full Moon. ***Remember to send always, always send thanks and blessings once the spell has worked to keep the balance even and show appreciation.

You will need a 13 inch long green silk cord or cotton yarn (some type of natural fiber). Be sure to cleanse and purify the cord/yarn before using. Spend at least one day/night holding the cord and visualizing your intent. Put your intent and energy into it. Be sure that you are looking for a job at the time of doing this. You will have to do your part so the magick can do it's part.