Welcome to my spiritual blog!

I hope you can find all kinds of helpful info here. I hope you will enjoy broadening your mind and opening yourself up to the limitless possibilities that await you. Brightest blessings to all!

Be sure to check out my helpful tip and suggestion blog at: http://skycladluna.blogspot.com

Thought for the day:

Life is an echo - what you send out does comes back.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

No, Mercury is not retrograde-but get ready for another Eclipse.

On Wednesday, June 15th, I posted a blog titled: Here comes June. Here is the conclusion to that first blog post.

In a previous blog, I touched on a partial solar eclipse that occurred on June 1 in Gemini. Since this was a partial eclipse, it was of less impact. It essentially operated as a second 'New Moon', giving us the opportunity to reflect and plan for what was to come.

On June 15, a total lunar eclipse occurred in Sagittarius. This was powerful lunar eclipse, the longest in a decade, lasting nearly two hours. This eclipse gave us an opportunity to examine things in our life, personally or professionally, that were just continually 'not working'. It was a time for us to determine those things that we needed to take action on....to rid ourselves of situations or people that are holding us back, to get rid of physical and emotional clutter, and to finally complete projects that we have been putting off. Since it takes a few weeks for powerful energy like this to dissipate, expect major decisions and actions to continue to crop up over the next few weeks. Don't put them off....handle them decisively and intelligently, using the continuing energy of the eclipse to cross them off your list for good!

The last solar eclipse will occur this Friday on July 1 in Cancer. This eclipse signifies new beginnings, and will be a good time to take on greater responsibilities and challenge ourselves to greater spiritual growth. Doors will close on things that are simply not working, and this will move you towards something far better. This solar eclipse, combined with the Grand Cross being formed by four planets (Saturn, Pluto, Uranus and Mercury) will make this a time of stress, but also a time of personal change and growth that will give new insights and information for the future. This eclipse is also combined with a New Moon, which is excellent for spellwork for growth and change. Friday will be a very powerful time for candle magic to remove bad vibes, banishment, finishing projects, and new beginnings. It is also a perfect time to do a good smudging to clear out negative energy to make way for the positive.

Today, and over the next few days while the lunar eclipse and new moon energy are at their strongest, try some of the following things:

Clear all the clutter, dust, old mail, or anything else blocking the area around the front entrance of your home. This opens up the 'opportunity' area for new positive energy. (If you own a business, make sure the driveway, front door, steps or other areas are clean and free of debris and that there is nothing blocking the path from the road (or driveway) to you. This includes limbs, trash bins, boxes, or anything else that makes the energy move around it.

Create a 'spirit hearth', similar to an altar, with items representing what you desire. If it is wealth, use silver and gold coins, a money frog or cat bank, green stones or silver, gold and green candles. For travel, use brochures or photos of the place you want to go. For better relations with family or friends, use happy photos of them.

In light and love ~ Namaste

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Super Healing Foods and their benefits.

As part of a healthy diet, whole foods play a significant role in helping our bodies function optimally. There are hundreds of extremely nutritious whole foods, but the dozen on this list do more than contribute healthy nutrients—they help you heal. In fact, every food on this list boasts multiple healing effects, from fighting cancer (learn more about the disease) to reducing cholesterol, guarding against heart disease and more. Eat these super-healing picks and start feeling pretty super yourself.

KIWI Fruit - This tiny, nutrient-dense fruit packs an amazing amount of vitamin C (double the amount found in this fruit), has more fiber than apples and beats bananas as a high-potassium food. The unique blend of phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals found in kiwifruit helps protect against heart disease, stroke, cancer (commandments to prevention) and respiratory disease. Kiwifruit's natural blood-thinning properties work without the side effects of aspirin and support vascular health by reducing the formation of spontaneous blood clots, lowering LDL cholesterol and reducing blood pressure. Multiple studies have shown that kiwifruit not only reduces oxidative stress and damage to DNA but also prompts damaged cells to repair themselves.

In Chinese medicine they are used to accelerate the healing of wounds and sores.

How much: Aim to eat one to two kiwifruit a day while they're in season, for the best taste and nutrition. California-grown kiwifruit are in season from October through May, and New Zealand kiwifruit are available between April and November.

Tips: Kiwifruit contain enzymes that activate once you cut the fruit, causing the flesh to tenderize. So if you're making a fruit salad, cut the kiwifruit last.

The riper the kiwifruit, the greater the antioxidant power, so let them ripen before you dig in.

CHERRIES - Cherries boast a laundry list of healing powers. For starters, they pack a powerful nutritional punch for a relatively low calorie count. They're also packed with substances that help fight inflammation and cancer. In lab studies, quercetin and ellagic acid, two compounds contained in cherries, have been shown to inhibit the growth of tumors and even cause cancer cells to commit suicide. Cherries also have antiviral and antibacterial properties.

Anthocyanin, another compound in cherries, is credited with lowering the uric acid levels in the blood, thereby reducing a common cause of gout. Researchers believe anthocyanins may also reduce your risk of colon cancer. Further, these compounds work like a natural form of ibuprofen, reducing inflammation and curbing pain. Regular consumption may help lower risk of heart attack and stroke.

In Chinese medicine, cherries are routinely used as a remedy for gout, arthritis and rheumatism (as well as anemia, due to their high iron content). Plus they're delicious.

How much: Aim for a daily serving while they're in season locally. And keep a bag of frozen cherries in your freezer the rest of the year; frozen cherries retain 100 percent of their nutritional value and make a great addition to smoothies, yogurt and oatmeal.

Tip: Buy organic, since conventionally grown cherries can be high in pesticides.

GUAVAS - Guavas are a small tropical fruit that can be round, oval or pear-shaped (see more photos). They're not all that common, but if you can track them down, it's more than worth it. Guavas contain more of the cancer-fighting antioxidant lycopene than any other fruit or vegetable, and nearly 20 percent more than this popular fruit.

Lycopene protects our healthy cells from free radicals that can cause blocked arteries, joint degeneration, nervous system problems and even cancer. Lycopene consumption is associated with significantly lower rates of prostate cancer; and men with prostate tumors who consumed lycopene supplements showed significant improvements. Lycopene has also been found to inhibit the growth of breast cancer cells, and research suggests that this antioxidant may also help protect against coronary artery disease.

Guavas are also packed with vitamin C and other antioxidants. Serving for serving, guava offers more than 60 percent more potassium than a banana.

How much: Aim to eat fresh guavas as often as you can when you can find them in stores. They're not commonly available in the freezer section, and most guava juices are processed and sweetened, so they don't provide the same superior nutrition that the whole, fresh fruit does. One to two guavas a day is a good goal.

Tip: Opt for the red-fleshed variety if you can; both are loaded with antioxidants (cancer-fighting foods), but the red type has more than the white-fleshed apple guava.

BEANS - Beans are a miracle food (find others). They lower cholesterol, regulate blood sugar and insulin production, promote digestive health and protect against cancer. If you think of fiber, protein and antioxidants, and immediately think whole grains, meat and fruit, then think again—beans offer all three in a single package.

An assortment of phytochemicals found in beans has been shown to protect cells from cancerous activity by inhibiting cancer cells from reproducing, slowing tumor growth. Researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health reported that women who consumed beans at least twice a week were 24 percent less likely to develop breast cancer, and multiple studies have tied beans to a reduced risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and breast and colon cancers.

Beans deliver a whopping amount of antioxidants, which help prevent and fight oxidative damage. In fact, the USDA's ranking of foods by antioxidant capacity places three varieties of beans (red, red kidney and pinto) in the top four—and that's among all food groups. They also contain tryptophan, which can help regulate appetite, aid in sleep and improve mood. Many are also rich in folate, which plays a significant role in heart health. You'll also get decent amounts of potassium, magnesium, vitamin B1 and B2, and vitamin K. Soybeans are a great source of omega-3 fatty acids.

In Chinese medicine, various types of beans have been used to treat alcoholism, food poisoning, edema (particularly in the legs), high blood pressure, diarrhea, laryngitis, kidney stones, rheumatism and dozens of other conditions.

How much: Aim for a minimum of two servings of beans per week.

Tip: Adzuki and mung beans are among the most easily digested; pinto, kidney, navy, garbanzo, lima and black beans are more difficult to digest.

WATERCRESS - Not only is watercress extremely nutritious (nutritional value), it's about as close as you can get to a calorie-free food. Calorie for calorie, it provides four times the calcium of this staple drink. Ounce for ounce, it offers as much vitamin C as an orange and more iron than another superfood. It's packed with vitamin A and has lots of vitamin K, along with multiple antioxidant carotenoids and protective phytochemicals.

The nutrients in watercress protect against cancer and macular degeneration, help build the immune system and support bone health. The iron helps red blood cells carry oxygen to your body's tissues for energy. The phytochemicals in watercress battle cancer in three ways: killing cancer cells, blocking carcinogens and protecting healthy cells from carcinogens.

In Chinese medicine, watercress is thought to help reduce tumors, improve night vision and improve digestion. It's used as a remedy for jaundice, urinary difficulty, sore throat, mumps and bad breath.

How much: Eat watercress daily if you can. In some regions, it's more widely available during the spring and summer, when it's cultivated outdoors. But since it can also be grown hydroponically (what's that?), you can find it year-round in many grocery stores and at your local farmers market.

Tips: You can cook it, but watercress is better for you when you eat it raw. Tuck it into a sandwich in place of lettuce. Toss it with your favorite vegetables and eat it in a salad. Watercress is great in pesto—just replace the basil with watercress—and soups. Use watercress as a wonderfully detoxifying ingredient in juice or smoothies.

SPINACH - You already knew spinach was good for you (nutritional value), but did you know just how good? Spinach protects against eye disease and vision loss; it's good for brain function; it guards against colon, prostate and breast cancers; it protects against heart disease, stroke and dementia; it lowers blood pressure; it's anti-inflammatory; and it's great for bone health. Spinach has an amazing array of nutrients, including high amounts of vitamin K, calcium, vitamin A, vitamin C, folate, magnesium and iron.

A carotenoid found in spinach kills prostate cancer cells and prevents them from multiplying. Folate promotes vascular health by lowering homocysteine and has also been shown to reduce the risk of developing colorectal, ovarian and breast cancers. The vitamin C and beta-carotene in spinach protect against colon cancer in addition to fighting inflammation, making them key components of brain health, particularly in older adults.

Spinach is loaded with vitamin K (one cup of cooked spinach provides 1111 percent of the recommended daily amount), which builds strong bones by helping calcium adhere to the bone.

How much: Fresh spinach should be a daily staple in your diet. It's available in practically every grocery store, no matter where you live. Aim for a few ounces, raw or lightly steamed, every day.

Tips: Add a handful of fresh spinach to your next fruit smoothie. It'll change the color but not the taste. Conventionally grown spinach is susceptible to pesticide residue; stick to organic.

ONIONS - Onions get a bad rap for their effect on the breath, but that's not the only part of the body where they pack a wallop. Onion consumption has been shown to help lower the risk of prostate and esophageal cancers and has also been linked to reduced mortality from coronary heart disease. Research suggests that they may help protect against stomach cancer. Onions contain sulfides that help lower blood pressure and cholesterol, as well as a peptide that may help prevent bone loss.

Onions have super antioxidant power. They contain quercetin, a natural antihistamine that reduces airway inflammation and helps relieve symptoms of allergies and hay fever. Onions also boast high levels of vitamin C, which battles cold and flu symptoms. Onions' anti-inflammatory properties help fight the pain and swelling associated with osteo- and rheumatoid arthritis.

How much: For all the health benefits onions provide, it would be ideal to eat one a day. However, if that's not doable for you, add a few onions to your weekly grocery list and try to eat a little bit every day. All varieties are extremely good for you, but shallots and yellow onions lead the pack in antioxidant activity. Raw onions provide the best nutrition, but they're still great for you when they're lightly cooked.

Tip: Onions should be stored at room temperature, but if they bother your eyes when you cut them, try refrigerating them for an hour beforehand or run under cold water.

CARROTS - Carrots are a great source of the potent antioxidants known as carotenoids. Diets high in carotenoids have been tied to a decreased risk in postmenopausal breast cancer as well as cancers of the bladder, cervix, prostate, colon, larynx and esophagus. Conversely, diets low in carotenoids have been associated with chronic disease, including heart disease and various cancers. Research suggests that just one carrot per day could reduce your risk of lung cancer by half. Carrots may also reduce your risk of kidney and ovarian cancers. Nutrients in carrots inhibit cardiovascular disease, stimulate the immune system, promote colon health, and support ear and eye health.

Carrots contain calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, fiber, vitamin C and an incredible amount of vitamin A (other foods rich in vitamin A). The alpha-carotene in carrots has shown promise in inhibiting tumor growth. In Chinese medicine, carrots are used to treat rheumatism, kidney stones, tumors, indigestion, night blindness, ear infections and more.

How much: Eat a serving of carrots each day and enjoy them year-round. Carrots are good for you whether they're raw or lightly cooked. For the best nutrition, go for whole carrots that are firm and fresh-looking. Precut baby carrots are made from whole carrots and tend to lose important nutrients during processing.

Tips: Remove carrot tops before storing them in the fridge, as the tops drain moisture from the roots and will cause the carrots to wilt. Buy organic; conventionally grown carrots frequently show high pesticide residues.

CABBAGE - Cabbage is a powerhouse source of vitamins K and C. Just one cup supplies 91 percent of the recommended daily amount for vitamin K, 50 percent of vitamin C, good amounts of fiber and decent scores of manganese, vitamin B6 and folate. How many calories per serving? It offers 11 percent more vitamin C than oranges.

Cabbage contains high levels of antioxidant sulforaphanes that not only fight free radicals before they damage DNA but also stimulate enzymes that detoxify carcinogens in the body. Researchers believe this one-two approach may contribute to the apparent ability of cruciferous vegetables to reduce the risk of cancer more effectively than any other plant food group.

Cabbage builds strong bones, dampens allergic reactions, reduces inflammation and promotes gastrointestinal health. Cabbage is routinely juiced (find out how to make it) as a natural remedy for healing peptic ulcers due to its high glutamine content. It also provides significant cardiovascular benefit by preventing plaque formation in the blood vessels. In Chinese medicine, cabbage is used to treat constipation, the common cold, whooping cough, depression, irritability and stomach ulcers.

How much: The more cabbage you can include in your diet, the better.

Tips: Try raw sauerkraut. It has all the health properties of cabbage, plus some potent probiotics, which are excellent for digestive health.

Use the whole cabbage; the outer leaves contain a third more calcium than the inner leaves. Both are nutritional stars, but red cabbages are far superior to the white variety, with about seven times more vitamin C and more than four times the polyphenols.

BROCCOLI - You'll find it difficult to locate another single food source with as much naturally occurring health-promoting properties as broccoli (benefits). A single cup of steamed broccoli provides more than 200 percent of the RDA for vitamin C (again, more than oranges), nearly as much of vitamin K, and about half of the daily allowance for vitamin A, along with plentiful folate, fiber, sulfur, iron, B vitamins and a whole host of other important nutrients. Broccoli contains about twice the amount of protein as steak (more high-protein foods).

Broccoli's phytochemicals fight cancer by neutralizing carcinogens and accelerating their elimination from the body, in addition to inhibiting tumors caused by chemical carcinogens. Studies show evidence that these substances help prevent lung and esophageal cancers.

Phytonutrients called indoles found in broccoli help protect against prostate, gastric, skin, breast and cervical cancers. Extensive studies have linked broccoli to a 20 percent reduction in heart disease risk. In Chinese medicine, broccoli is used to treat eye inflammation.

How much: If you can eat a little broccoli every day, your body will thank you for it. If you can't swing it, aim for eating it as regularly as possible. Like many other vegetables, broccoli provides fantastic nutrition both in its raw form and when it's properly cooked.

Tip: Steaming or cooking broccoli lightly releases the maximum amount of the antioxidant sulforaphane.

KALE - Kale is highly nutritious, has powerful antioxidant properties and is anti-inflammatory (get nutritional facts). One cup of cooked kale contains an astounding 1,328 percent of the RDA for vitamin K, 192 percent of the RDA for vitamin A and 89 percent of the RDA for vitamin C. It's also a good source of calcium and iron.

Kale is in the same plant family as another cruciferous superfood and contains high levels of the cancer-fighting compound sulforaphane. The indoles in kale have been shown to protect against breast, cervical and colon cancers. The vitamin K in kale promotes blood clotting, protects the heart and helps build strong bones by anchoring calcium to the bone. Kale has more antioxidant power than another leafy green and is extra-rich in beta-carotene (containing seven times as much as does broccoli), lutein and zeaxanthin (10 times the amount in broccoli). In Chinese medicine, kale is used to help ease lung congestion.

How much: Like cabbage, the more kale you can eat, the better. A daily serving is ideal.

Tips: Kale's growing season extends nearly year-round; the only time it's out of season is summer, when plenty of other leafy greens are abundant.

Steam or sauté kale on its own, or add it to soups and stews. Kale is also a great addition when it's blended in fruit smoothies or juiced with other vegetables.

DANDELION - The same pesky weed known for ruining lawns (see photos) has a long history of being used as a healing herb in cultures around the globe. One cup of raw dandelion greens provides 535 percent of the RDA of vitamin K and 112 percent of the RDA for vitamin A. Dandelion greens are also a good source of vitamin C, calcium, iron, fiber and potassium. Among all foods, it's one of the richest sources of vitamin A and one of the best sources of beta-carotene.

Dandelion has been used for centuries to treat hepatitis, kidney and liver disorders such as kidney stones, jaundice and cirrhosis. It's routinely prescribed as a natural treatment for hepatitis C, anemia and liver detoxification. As a natural diuretic (find others), dandelion supports the entire digestive system and increases urine output, helping flush toxins and excess salt from the kidneys. The naturally occurring potassium in dandelions helps prevent the loss of potassium that can occur with pharmaceutical diuretics.

Dandelion promotes digestive health by stimulating bile production, resulting in a gentle laxative effect. Inulin further aids digestion by feeding the healthy probiotic bacteria in the intestines; it also increases calcium absorption and has a beneficial effect on blood sugar levels, therefore being useful in treating diabetes. Both the dandelion leaves and root are used to treat heartburn and indigestion. The pectin in dandelion relieves constipation and, in combination with vitamin C, reduces cholesterol. Dandelion is excellent for reducing edema, bloating and water retention; it can also help reduce high blood pressure. On top of all that, dandelion contains multiple antidiarrheal and antibacterial properties.

In Chinese medicine, dandelion is used in combination with other herbs to treat hepatitis and upper respiratory tract infections such as bronchitis and pneumonia. The sap from the stem and root is a topical remedy for warts (find more natural remedies).

How much: How much dandelion to incorporate into your diet boils down to availability and personal preference. Dandelion greens are considered a specialty item in some areas and therefore can be difficult to find. They also have a pungent taste, and people tend to love or hate the flavor.

Tips: Use the root in soups or sauté it on its own. If the raw leaves are too bitter for you, try them lightly steamed or sautéed.

To view the article by link, please click below.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Wayseer's are paving the way to awakeners.

This starts off with music and then goes into narration. It's worth a listen.

Enlightenment consists of not merely luminous shapes and visions-but in making the darkness visible. It is difficult and unpopular because of it's difficulty. However, what is to give light, must endure burning.


Sunday, June 19, 2011

Pagan Born

The shoe that fits one person pinches another - there is no recipe for living that suits all cases so be sure to be happy with who you are. Not everyone will agree with you, not everyone will like you, but if you are happy with yourself, then who cares. The most important person in your life is YOU.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

And here comes June...with a roller coaster ride of surprises.

First, we had a partial solar eclipse occurred on June 1 in Gemini. Since this was a partial eclipse, it was of less impact. It essentially operated as a second 'New Moon', giving us the opportunity to reflect and plan for what was to come.

On June 15, a total lunar eclipse occurred in Sagittarius which was a powerful lunar eclipse, the longest in a decade, lasting nearly two hours and this powerful eclipse offers us a choice of sticking with something old, or jumping into something new. This eclipse will give us an opportunity to examine things in our life, personally or professionally, that are just continually 'not working'. It is a time for us to determine that we need to take action....to rid ourselves of situations or people that are holding us back, to get rid of physical and emotional clutter, and to finally complete projects that we have been putting off. Decisions and actions that we have been procrastinating on suddenly become extremely important and urgent. Once these decisions and actions are complete, the future will be much clearer, less stressful, and much more positive. Since it takes a few weeks for powerful energy like this to dissipate, expect major decisions and actions to crop up over the next few weeks. Don't put them off....handle them decisively and intelligently, using the continuing energy of the eclipse to cross them off your list for good! Since it is also a full moon, it is doubly powerful, as the full moon is the perfect time for prayer rituals and spell work involving purging things that are creating a barrier, letting go of things that are interfering with our spiritual development, and discharging physical and emotional pain.

Another solar eclipse will occur on July 1 in Cancer. This eclipse will signify new beginnings, and will be a good time to take on greater responsibilities, and challenge ourselves to greater spiritual growth. Doors will close on things that are simply not working, and this will move you towards something far better.

Over the next few days while the lunar eclipse and full moon energy are at their strongest, try some of the following things:  (1) Clear all the clutter, dust, old mail, or anything else blocking the area around the front entrance of your home. This opens up the 'opportunity' area for new positive energy.  (2) If you own a business, make sure the driveway, front door, steps or other areas are clean and free of debris, and there is nothing blocking the path from the road or drive to you. This includes limbs, trash bins, boxes, or anything else that makes the energy move around it. (3) Create a 'spirit hearth', similar to an altar, with items representing what you desire. If it is wealth, use silver and gold coins, a money frog or cat bank, green stones or silver, gold and green candles. For travel, use brochures or photos of the place you want to go. For better relations with family or friends, use happy photos of them.

If you do not have time for a full ritual over the next few days, at least take the time to find a quiet spot and meditate about what you have been putting off and finalizing those decisions or actions.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Reincarnation of the Soul

Reincarnation of the Soul - written by Visionary Joshua

Talking about reincarnation or rebirth is automatically talking about the life cycles of the human soul: Long time ago, our souls left their divine origin to gain some experiences in the material world. It was clear from the very beginning that the souls would eventually return back to their divine origin, however. Therefore all our souls have the strong desire to return back to where they originally came from, respectively to their original divine state.

A return to the divine origin will only be possible when the souls have reached a state of wholeness again similar to the above mentioned divine state. Concretely, this state is about personality traits, which are best described with unconditional love, (self-) honesty, happiness, modesty, humbleness, etc. Alternatively, you can describe this divine state with respecting the basic rights of existence.

Through our living in the material world (previous incarnations), the above mentioned traits have been at least partially unlearned and replaced with striving for power and prestige, financial wealth and selfishness. After the death of a human being in the material world, the soul scrutinizes whether it has reached its divine state again. If not all of the above mentioned traits have been acquired or with other words, if the basic rights of existence were not fully respected, then this stage has not (yet) been reached. Most likely, the soul will decide sooner or later to reincarnate (rebirth) on the Earth to continue its education. That is because those traits which have been unlearned in the material world (on the Earth) can also most efficiently be retrained in the material world.

Our living on Earth can therefore be described as a training camp to regain personality traits like unconditional love, self honesty, happiness, modesty and humbleness. Family, friends, acquaintances and „coincidental" encounters are our training partners for the souls on their way back to the divine origin.

An incarnation must not be looked at as punishment for mistakes or vile actions in earlier incarnations. From the view of the soul, each incarnation is a new chance to get closer to its return back to the divine state of origin. The soul always incarnates voluntarily (in the text about the human development, we have compared individual rebirths with taking semesters at a university). Souls who heavily surrendered to striving for power, greed and selfishness may indeed decide to reincarnate in a real trouble spot and to live under worst conditions. This is solely to physically and emotionally sense the effects of power, greed and selfishness from other beings. It happens of the soul's free will and hoping that the impression of these bad experiences will finally lead to developing the desired traits in successive incarnations.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

We are multi-demensional.

We all contain a body of light without ourselves. This 'light' body holds the essense of our multi-demensional self. Kate A. Spreckley does a most wonderful job at touching on the subject in this article.

As human we are comprised of four bodies, our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. These four bodies are interconnected and woven together creating our entire human being. Our being is linked to all existence through our body of light.

Our body of light is far greater in size than our physical body and is not limited nor constrained by our physical world. This body is able to move through time and space connecting us to other dimensions of reality and other life forms that exist throughout Creation.

Our Light Body holds the essence of our multidimensional self and in shifting our consciousness and accessing our Light Body we are able to move through different dimensions and to view other realities. Through our Light Body we have the ability to access and to communicate with different dimensions for the purpose of our growth, learning and development.

For the most part this process of communication happens unconsciously or during our dream time. But part of our evolutionary process involves building and integrating our Light Body into our Human forms. In integrating our Human Light Body it will become possible for us to consciously access and communicate with other dimensions, gathering knowledge, wisdom and guidance. By being conscious of the guidance and wisdom available to us, we will then be able to apply this knowledge within our own lives, healing ourselves, our world, and enabling us to progress further along the path of our Soul evolution.

For many thousands of centuries, our lives have been controlled by the belief systems held within our societies and cultures. These belief systems have become the blue print by which we create our own lives and our own realities. We buy into the beliefs of others and recreate their reality thereby replicating the damage and destruction of humanity and our Earth. All this recreating and replicating has created an energy pattern that has been grounded into the energy field of our Earth through us.

The original blue print for the Earth was one of peace, love and harmony between all living things. That blue print still exists beneath the energy patterns and structures that we as human beings have initiated.

At some point in our history we allowed ourselves to think we were superior to all other life forms on this planet. We allowed these thoughts to become the basis of our belief patterns and thus began our journey of separation and the grounding of these patterns into the energy field of our Earth.

Please read the full article by visiting the link below. You'll love it.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Beautiful wisdom - Cosmic Peace & Love

By: Phillip Noble

I am an Angel from up above.
From the sky and heaven above.
From the cosmic force, I have come.
With my heart full of love.
For my purpose of this life today.
Is to have you read these words, on this day.
Cosmic peace and love to you, take these words along with you.
Take these words in your mind.
Spread and share them with human kind.
Love and faith are rare these days, for they talk about the end of days.
The days and nights will not end, as you, these words and I, are cosmic friends.
The more we love and share today.
Faith itself shall come into play.
Many saviors shall come to be, and of many nationalities they shall be.
Love and peace is within us all.
With your help it shall stand proud and tall.
Cosmic peace and love to you, I do hope you take these words along with you.
Religion is but a word, a spiritual understanding, I do yearn.
Spirituality I feel is for me, it has no ego, I feel it lets me, be me.
I am me, I am free, for you- the reader- I wish on thee, that these words apply to thee.
Love and peace to each and everyone, as you read these words along.
May they find a place in your heart and mind, make you feel warm inside.
These words are sent from me to you, with what intent is entirely up to you.
All I wish upon for you, is cosmic peace and love.
May your days be filled with love, for once you have this, you have you.
Goodbye for now my cosmic friend, just think on, you yourself shall never end.


Simply beautiful, but true wisdom. Enjoy.

Monday, June 6, 2011

The time is now.

This is a short video.....only a few minutes long. It is worthing checking out. The reality of a devasting future, not only for us, but mainly for our children and grandchildren is real. It's time to pull together - no matter your skin color, no matter your religion - we are all here and are connected by spirit and sharing this magnificent universe. The time is now to start making a difference.