Welcome to my spiritual blog!

I hope you can find all kinds of helpful info here. I hope you will enjoy broadening your mind and opening yourself up to the limitless possibilities that await you. Brightest blessings to all!

Be sure to check out my helpful tip and suggestion blog at: http://skycladluna.blogspot.com

Thought for the day:

Life is an echo - what you send out does comes back.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Mercury goes Retrograde

Planet Mercury goes retrograde on 3/30/11. So what does this mean? Well, a little history is that ages ago, Mercury was in charge of carrying messages between the gods and goddesses, as well as between humanity (mortals) and the gods. In today's world, Mercury rules computers, phones, internet, correspondence - basically communication. You can see Mercury's influence on how you express yourself - by speech, texts, letters or handwriting. You can also feel the influence by the way you collect data. I, personally, never fail to cringe when I know Mercury is heading into a Retrograde....it means an increase in lost packages, communication failures such as lost emails and missing orders, and misunderstandings with family, friends, and customers. The effects of Mercury Retrograde can be maddening!

Retrograde means that it appears that the planet is moving backward. The good news is Mercury is only retrograde until the 23rd (just three weeks and three days). So what does this mean? What happens when Mercury retrogrades? Pretty much it means to expect the unexpected. Appointments get missed, computers crash, you find the car you just purchased, during Mercury retrograde, is a lemon. The repair shop that had your car for a month sends it back still broken, There will be countless delays, cancellations and postponements. Don't fight them, although your frustration level and feeling of restlessness will be hard to cope with at times. This is a time where electronic devices may not work properly, may break, or may malfunction. (Cell phones, cars, machines, appliances, computers, etc). Letters, bills, notes, any communication with people may seem strained, delayed or misinterpreted. People may be in tense moods and you may find yourself desiring or wanting more solitude. You may experience problems or delays in travel/trips as well as with meetings and appointments. This is a time where communication and schedules can be compromised. This is not really a good time to sign contracts or make big purchases such as a car or appliance, hence things tend to break down or not function properly. Mercury is the ruling planet for industries such as sales, writing, marketing, public relations, postal and delivery services, and any transportation industry. Mercury also rules the zodiac signs of Gemini and Virgo. If you are a Virgo who works for the complaint department of the phone company, go ahead and take that vacation! Just don't travel anywhere - your luggage is likely to get lost. People from your past may even tend to resurface and memories or past regrets may come from out of nowhere to haunt you. During Mercury retrograde, it's not uncommon that you are likely to bump into old friends that you haven't seen in years. Adopted children tend to find their birth parents during Mercury retrograde periods, or people locate their long lost siblings. Prosecutors often find clues to crimes that had previously remained unsolved for years. Mail that went astray weeks or even years ago shows up during Mercury retrograde.

If it is so troublesome, why then, would the Universe give us Mercury retrograde? Have you ever heard the expression - Those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it? The basic principle of Mercury Retrograde is that Mercury has turned around to show us something, we have missed. Sometimes, in order to move forward, it is necessary to backtrack, examine our mistakes, and change our path for the future. It is important for us to reconsider, repair, reflect, and reconnect. Mercury forces us to slow down and fix what's broken, and in doing so, realize what mistakes we have made. It also gives us the opportunity to complete all the old projects we have placed on the back burner, therefore clearing the way for new opportunities.

Mercury Retrogrades also tends to cause things to repeat. Avoid having surgery, getting dental work done, or signing divorce papers and contracts during Mercury Retrograde. If you do, you might find yourself doing that same painful thing over again! On the other hand, doing things that are good for you, fun, or affect your life, in a positive way, are excellent activities for Mercury Retrograde. Focus on eating healthy, exercising regularly, and learning a new skill in this period. Go to a movie, go dancing, or do something else that you would like to repeat again! Not only will you feel better, but the on next Mercury Retrograde you will feel compelled to return to that healthy and enjoyable living.

What to do during this time: Think about your past and how you feel about your current circumstances. Consider if you are happy in your current situation? If not, think of ways to change it. This is a time to rethink, reflect, research, revise, reschedule, redecorate and renew. (Keep the 'RE' in mind for the next few weeks). In regards to relationships and partnership matters, our thinking is turned inward. Re-evaluating a partnership and communication style within that relationship is wonderful use of this reflection period.

What not to do during this time: Not a good time for big purchases such as a home, car or electronics. These types of things/items will generally encounter major problems. Don't sign important contracts or paperwork. Try not to get upset over set backs. Expect them so when they happen, you're prepared. Keep cell phone charged, keep a can of fix a flat in the trunk, etc.

**Again, if you plan any travels, try to allow for extra time for any problems which might arise. Also, keep your electronic equipment tuned up and working well, and try and take it easy on your nervous system. The nervous system can be on over-drive during the mercury retrograde. So try and allow extra time for sleep and relaxation. So why not allow yourself to take some time off from tasks and do some favorite activity you haven’t done in a while.

Mercury retrograde is also a great time to get things done you may have been putting off, like cleaning or organizing and recycling old stuff you no longer need. It’s a time to finish tasks that were started and never went to completion, but it’s usually not a good time for starting new tasks. Brainstorming is easier to do at this time, but generally, things will have an easier time of getting started if you wait until Mercury goes direct on the 23rd of April - the day before Easter.

Brightest blessings for the fun ride! Mercury will go direct on 4/23/11.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Strangest Secret.

I work with many people on many different levels every single day. I help them to grow and broaden, learn and practice what they learn and apply it to their every day life.

I am always getting many questions, many plea's and am asked for guidance. Below, I am posting a video to help people become more aware of their own mindset. Don't scrunch your nose at it, but view it. Then apply the wisdom contained within it and see what a difference it makes.

Love, light and blessings to all.

Friday, March 18, 2011

The Meaning of Easter

This is just beautiful. The messages are gripping and powerful. May everyone who celebrates Lent and Easter have a very blessed one. Always remember the true meaning of this miraculous Holiday.

Click here to view the messages and images.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

The spiritual importance of Lent

During my exploring upon the net, here I came across a wonderful article by By Father William Ventura

GateHouse News Service which was posted on WickedLocal.com. Enjoy - the article is below.

Christians the world over are moving through Lent towards Easter, the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. There is an inclination inherent in many Christians to rush past the penance of Lent into the joy of Easter. Resurrection, spring, flowers and new life tend to be more attractive than penance, fasting, crosses and tombs. It’s not that we shouldn’t hurry towards Easter, but that doesn’t necessitate rushing through Lent. The desire to rush through Lent must be fought against.

Pope John Paul II often said that we are an Easter people; this concept and turn of phrase has gained a common parlance across many Christian groups. Easter, however, makes no sense and has no significance without Lent. The Pope knew this, but sometimes we forget. Without the cross and tomb, any focus on the resurrection and empty tomb are just that: empty. We can’t celebrate God’s victory over death if we don’t spend time contemplating the means by which that victory was won. This does not mean that we revel in the suffering of Jesus’ passion, but instead we marvel at the love that makes such suffering, such sacrifice bearable. We gaze with rapt attention at the crucified Christ knowing full well that it was our sins, our personal sins, that put Him there, yet He hangs there in perfect love for us nonetheless. If the goal of the Christian life is transformation in Christ, we need to stay in Lent, focused on His passion, to see how we are to be transformed in Him.

At the heart of the Passion is the crucifixion. At the heart of the crucifixion is the death of Jesus. His life, however, was not taken from Him, it was offered by Him to the Father with the words, “Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.” (Luke 23:46) We cannot abandon ourselves over to the Father, handing to Him our spirit, as did Jesus, if we have already handed over our spirit to the world and its temptations and empty promises. This is the key to Lent, to the fasting and penances and spiritual exercises: by fasting and penances, we cut the ties that bind us to the things of this world, both good and bad, in order to prepare for the better things, the perfect things only offered by God. By changing our focus and adjusting our gaze, by emptying ourselves of all that this world gives, we open ourselves to the transforming grace with which God wishes to fill us. One example of this would be abstinence from meat on Fridays. By saying no to something good, to something like meat, which we enjoy, we grow in the virtue of temperance. In other words, if we build the habit of indulging and feeding our every whim and appetite, even with things that might be good, our instinct, our habit becomes to simply say yes to our appetites without a second thought, even when our appetites desire something that is not good. By fasting we learn to put things in right order, not allowing ourselves to be distracted by even the good things of this world to the neglect of the better things of the life to come.

In Lent, we remember when Jesus went into the desert to fast and pray. Through Lent, we go with Him, and learn that even in the desert, where there is nothing, we still have God and He alone suffices. By quieting the desires of the body we are better able to pay attention to the one desire of the soul, which is union with God. We come to see how little our body needs compared with how much our soul needs. In the fourth century, Saint Augustine taught that our hearts are restless until they rest in God. Lent makes us aware of the absolute truth that all we need is God. Through life and death and into life again, God is the only constant. He is more than we could ever want or imagine, and the fulfillment of our every desire in ways we will never fully understand in this life.

If we are to be like Christ, transformed in Him, then we must do as He did, and carry our cross as He carried His. For us this means we must take up the crosses of everyday life, bearing with patience all the difficulties and struggles that may come, and love in spite of them, fixing our eyes always on the perfect love of God. This takes a lifetime, of which Lent is our yearly reminder, and we can’t rush it. Only by sharing in the love of the Cross can we merit the joy of our own promised resurrection, on the last day of this world, when Christ will come again in glory and invite us to the Father’s house. By detaching ourselves from the things of this life, and desiring only the things of the life to come, we prepare to accept that invitation for which we are made: to enter into and share God’s glory in Heaven.

Father William Ventura is curate at St. John’s Church in Chelmsford. His column appears every two weeks.

(originally posted 3/28/10)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The extra degree....

Here is a wonderful short video to remind you of the power that you possess and harness within yourself. I hope you enjoy it.
