Welcome to my spiritual blog!

I hope you can find all kinds of helpful info here. I hope you will enjoy broadening your mind and opening yourself up to the limitless possibilities that await you. Brightest blessings to all!

Be sure to check out my helpful tip and suggestion blog at: http://skycladluna.blogspot.com

Thought for the day:

Life is an echo - what you send out does comes back.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Are you ready to turn a new leaf over? To invest in yourself?

Hey all, Happy Holidays. Yep, for those inquiring minds who want to know, I am working. This is a good time to see what is coming, what you need to leave behind, what to work on, how your fears are stopping you and standing in your way. Reach for the stars, keep your dream alive. Ready to see what your path is leading you to? Hit me up. You can reach me here, on fb, myspace, craigslist, by twitter or click the link: http://readingsfromtherealm.vpweb.com/

I'm ready. Are you? Love, light and blessings. Namaste!

Remember, the experiences you draw to you thru the doorway of your soul, stay open, as long as you do. Be sure to get on with life. Stop looking at how it used to be or how it should be. It's time to let it be. With the new year around the corner, take stock of your goals and where you see yourself next. Rewrite your story.

Thought day the day: Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are. Your reputation is who people think you are. Be comfortable in your own skin and embrace the day.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Black Friday is upon us.

My friend, Rick, had this picture posted on his wall of facebook. Here is a tidbit from his posting, "My friends, today is what is known in retail as, Black Friday. I urge those who do not have to go out, to stay indoors and here's why: When you get a mob of sleepwalkers together, fighting over forms/possessions etc, an extreme amount of negative energy is manifested. Seemingly nice people turn into monsters. This collective unconsciousness also results in violence. Project as much love as you can, today." Very wise words. I learned that quite some time ago. The scenerio sickens me as people fight over these material items. I taught my children that God provides.

Yes, there were grand Christmas's, but there has been a time when my son slacked in school, used profanity, had no respect for others, which inturn reflected his lack of respect for himself. That year, we still remember fondly. He wanted a skateboard so bad. That's all he talked about and all he wanted. He was a teenager at the time, but he knew how I stood on certain things. School was important, no if ands or buts about it, school was a big deal as was respect. The profanity played a role in the respect issue so I wasn't as concerned with that as with school and respect. The Golden rule is to do unto others as you would have done unto you. Well, Christmas came. My son had presents under the tree that Santa left for him. All the necessities, a variety of clothing articles. In the stocking, he found his favorite sweet (candy) and a few unique items, including a skateboard key chain. Another of those unique items was wrapped so nicely and tucked into the stocking. When he opened it, he found three polaroid pictures of this beautiful red skateboard decorated with precisely the design he wanted. Accompanying the pictures, written on the bottom of them was a message. This could have been yours. Take a good look at where you are heading following this path, you will have these pics to remind you of what could have been. Now, you may think that was harsh and I am an awful mother. But I tell you what, it worked. He was devastated over not getting that skateboard. He looked at me and realized that I had high hopes for him, that he was special and was loved and that I felt 'devastated' watching him go down this path he had chosen. He knew that he would have to experience things for himself and learn from his actions. If he wanted an opinon, he could ask me - well what did you do when you were faced with a sitation like this? I would tell him stories and he could decide what the best choice for him would be. He learned  a special gift that Christmas, that actions have consequences and he learned that he brought those consequences on himself. Within a two, three month timespan, he turned himself around, straightened up in school, respected others and their opinions (even if he didn't agree with them), he find an appreciation in people and accepted their unique aspects which made them different and he accepted them. Yes, he did get the skateboard eventually, but I needed to be sure that he learned before he received it.

Now that the kids are older, young adults who work and are parents now, they appreciate friends/family and time spent with them more then material stuff. Enjoy what you have today, for tomorrow, it could all be gone. Material wise, less is more for me and my family. We are enriched with each other, sharing life, thankful for our bounty that we nurish our physical bodies with and for expanding and learning everyday. For those of you who are concerned with the sales and items to prove your ego to others, well, you can have it. I wouldn't change my life - I am happy and I love who I am, what I've become and to me, that is a richness in and of itself.

Brightest blessings to all.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Great deals on one of my favorite sites!

I so love Llewellyn. If you are into books, new age mystic stuff, wiccan/pagan, decks, this is a great site to check out. You can find just about everything and anything here. Great deals going on! Check it out. You don't want to miss out on the deals!

Black Friday Special: Get 35% Off Everything Use coupon code FRIDAY at checkout. 3 Days Only! November 24-26, 2010 Free Shipping on U.S. orders over $25. Some restrictions apply.

Black Friday Special: Get 35% Off Everything Use coupon code FRIDAY at checkout. 3 Days Only! November 24-26, 2010 Free Shipping on U.S. orders over $25. Some restrictions apply.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Roach infested dog gets second chance.

Ripley sure is one lucky dog. On Oct. 19, the two-year-old poodle was found in a Louisiana ditch near a no kill shelter. Shelter workers noticed Ripley and picked him up with a towel because they weren't sure exactly what they were rescuing. His fur was so grossly overgrown that he looked less like a dog and more like an ... it.

Once they figured it out, they got the dog to a vet and called Tracy Lapeyrouse with My Heart's Desire, who took him in. Live and dead cockroaches were snarled inside his matted and overgrown mane, and his mouth was so covered by fur that his rescuers didn't even know how he managed to eat. But now, thanks to some Good Samaritans, and one (or possibly several) seriously effective razors, Ripley has a new leash on life — and is garnering national attention. "I keep telling people he looked like the Elephant Man," Tracy, who heads up My Heart's Desire rescue group in Houma, La., which is currently caring for Ripley, tells Tonic. "This is probably the most grotesque grooming issue I've ever seen, and I've been doing this for 10-plus years."

Lapeyrouse fortuitously named the 5 1/2 pound dog Ripley, "because I was driving home with him and he needed a name and I kept saying no one would have ever believed this was a dog. It was like Ripley's Believe it or Not. Then I thought, Ripley!"

To read the article in its entirety, please visit: http://www.tonic.com/article/believe-it-or-not-cockroach-infested-dog-gets-second-chance/

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Traditional gemstones by numerology tradition.

Hello everyone. This interesting tidbit was written by a friend of mine, Blair, who is a numerologist. I thought I was share.

Now you might think that birthstones are only associated with the Zodiac signs. This is not exactly true. They are also associated with what month you are born in. The origin of the twelve monthly birthstones was thought to have originated in Bible as they were found on the breastplates of Aaron. Yet another difference between the monthly and the Zodiac stones is that the monthly stones have more a numerological association whereas the Zodiac stones relate more to astrology.

January - The garnet is named as the January birth stone in just about every tradition or culture The glittering red g garnet is the stone representing January in Hebrew, Roman, Arabic, Polish and Russian traditions. In the ancient Hindu tradition the stone for January was the serpent stone but this is not a stone that has been
seen by anyone. Chances are it was a ruby or a black stone.

February- The symbolic stone is agreed upon as being the amethyst according to North American, Hebrew, Roman, Arabic, Polish and Russian traditions. In ancient Hindu it was the chandrakankta which once again is a stone nobody living today has ever seen so it cannot be described.

March -. The modern North American names the aquamarine as the stone for this month. However in Hebrew, Roman, Arabic, Polish and Russian traditions the stone for this stormy month is the bloodstone. In the ancient Hindu tradition it was a stone called gold-sivalinga which once again is not a stone ever seen by
contemporary eyes.

April - North America culture names the diamond as the birth stone for April. In Jewish, Hindu and Polish cultures the diamond is also named as the April birthstone. However in Roma, Persian and Russian traditions the stone that has symbolized the month is sapphire.

May - In contemporary North American, Arabic, Hindu, Polish and Russian traditions birthstone for the month of May is emerald. However the Hebrew and Roman traditions say the month belongs to the agate.

June - June is one of those months that seem to be symbolized by an array of stones. Contemporary North American culture names the stone of the month to be moonstone, pearl or alexandrite. Ancient Hindu tradition also names the pearl as the birthstone for June. However in ancient Roman and Hebrew traditions, June was ruled by the emerald (possibly because the green represented summer.) In Russian, Polish and Arabic cultures the stone that rules this month is agate which to make things even more confusing is a striped
stone comes in many colors.

July- In North American, Polish and Russian culture the birthstone for this mid summer month is ruby. In Hebrew and Roman traditions it is onyx. The Arabic culture assigns the carnelian to July and the Hindu religion says a sapphire represents the month.

August - Many different stones are often said to belong to the month of August. The modern North American tradition says the month is symbolized by peridot. The Hebrew and Roman traditions attribute it to the carnelian. The Arabic and Polish traditions say the month belongs to the sardonyx. The Hindu tradition assigns August the ruby and the Russian tradition assigns it the alexandrite.

September - In modern North American traditions, this autumn month is said to be ruled by the sapphire. However in Hebrew, Roman, Arabic, Polish and Russian traditions peridot is given as the ruling stone. The Hindu tradition assigns the zircon to September.

October - The opal or the tourmaline is usually assigned to October. However Hebrew, Roman, Arabic and Polish birth gem stone traditions say that aquarimine is the symbolic stone. The Russian culture says the month is ruled by the beryl. Ancient Hindu tradition says the stone is coral.

November - The North American tradition assigns either yellow topaz or citrine as the gemstones for this month. The Hebrew, Roman, Arabic and Russian traditions also say it belongs to topaz. November is symbolized by the cat's eye in the Hindu culture.

December - The North American tradition says December is symbolized by three choices of three blue stones: tanzanite, turquoise or blue topaz. The Hindu religion also assigns it to topaz and the Russian and Polish traditions assign it to turquoise. The Arabic, Roman and Hebrew traditions say the rosy colored ruby rules this month.

This is interesting because very often your choice of a Zodiac stone will conflict with what is the birth month stone. Some of the stones also cross over to astrology. For instance if you are born in November the symbolic stone is topaz and if you are a Sagittarian born after the 23rd then your stone will be at topaz as well.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Gift Ideas - Astrology gemstones.

Choosing the right gemstone has a lot to do with your birthday. According to the Astrological Table of Gemstones, each sign of the zodiac has its own special gem.

Aries: Aries is a fire sign that shines brightly with an inner fire. It is headstrong and always at the cutting edge, so what more fitting gem for this sign than the brilliant diamond? As Aries also rules the head, diamond earrings or studs are especially appropriate.

Taurus: This sign loves the lush bounty of nature, so the correct gemstone is the lush green emerald. Ruled by Venus, Taurus loves a beautiful setting. Remember that when you gift a Taurean an emerald necklace, for Taurus also rules the throat.

Gemini: Bright, lively Gemini needs a sparkling gem, and both the shimmering agate and the sparkling crystal are appropriate. Have them set in rings, cuff links or bracelets as Gemini is ruled by Mercury, which rules the hands.

Cancer: This sign is ruled by the Moon, so the pearl and the moonstone are the correct gems for this sign. They are best presented as a beautiful brooch or tie pin, or you could try a belt or gems set in a silk girdle, as Cancer rules both the breasts and the stomach.

Leo: This warm hearted fire sign responds to the ruby, with its fiery glow. Leo rules the heart, so a pendant, brooch or tie pin will be the perfect setting for a ruby gift.

Virgo: This sign loves the fruits of the earth and the glow of nature - its natural element is summer, so the lush golden glow of the sardonyx makes a fine gemstone for Virgo. Like Gemini, Virgo is ruled by Mercury, which makes rings, cuff links and bracelets the ideal setting for Virgo’s gem.

Libra: Airy, balanced Libra appreciates fine things, and especially the Libran gem, the sapphire. Ruled by Venus, Libra is as fond of adorning the neck as Taurus, but will wear jewelry in any form. Remember that Libra loves balance, so perfectly matched sets, like earrings, bracelet and necklace will be the favored choice.

Scorpio: This dark, mysterious sign favors something out of the ordinary in gems - the correct gem for Scorpio is the vivid, iridescent opal. Scorpios like concealment, so a gift which is not readily seen will be appreciated - a pendant which can be worn under clothes, a compact or charm which can be kept out of sight, will appeal to Scorpios.

Sagittarius: This is a fire sign that appreciates freedom and loves to travel. The sparkle of the Sagittarian gem, the topaz, echoes the sparkle of this exuberant sign. Whether blue or typical topaz gold, this gem will suit Sagittarians in a simple setting that can be worn on the run.

Capricorn: This status conscious sign favors a gem with understated elegance - the amethyst is the perfect gem for Capricorn. The setting should be timeless, for passing fads do not retain their value. For busy Capricorns, a watch setting is perfect - but they will also appreciate elegant rings or earrings.

Aquarius: While there have been many candidates for the gemstone of this sign, the Aquarmarine, which echoes the name shines with cool blue radiance, is the most appropriate choice. Aquarius is the sign of the unexpected, and rules the ankles so you can choose unusual settings, such as an ankle bracelet.

Pisces: This sign is most closely associated with the vastness of the ocean, so the most appropriate gemstone is jade, which echoes the endless depths. This gem can be presented in any form, but especially appealing to Pisceans are delicate adornments for the feet and hands.

Repost from 4/09

Friday, November 19, 2010

Is it time to detox?

Is it time to detox?

We hear so much about that these days. There are ads in magazines, tv commercials, info-commercials. Lots of different ways are available to cleanse the body of impurities, chemicals, pesticides and antibiotics in food and water which lead to forms of bacteria that can build up in our bodies. After all, look around you. People have more health problems, children have allegies and acid reflux at such early ages, people are experiencing thin hair and hair loss. All of this can be traced back to our food intake and what is lurking within it.

But what about detoxing for our minds? People go around with minds full of bad thoughts and the wrong thoughts. Example, so and so hurt me, how I can’t do this or that, work sucks or I’m out of work completely and can’t find a job. Well, listen to that. Those are toxic and poisonous thoughts. It affects our minds, body and spirit. It affects and contaminates our perspective, outlook and self image. I am sure we have all met people who are bitter, negative and always expect the worse to happen. They can be cynical and criticize everything. Think to how you feel being around someone with those so called ‘qualities’ or characteristics. Do you feel dread? A sense of hopelessness? These are the ones that need a mental/spiritual cleansing. Now, you may be wondering, how do you detoxify your mind and spirit? Well, first you must decide to starve the mind of the impurities of dwelling on situations. You must decide to let them go. Okay, it happened, dwelling on it won’t make it go away any faster or come to pass quicker. By dwelling on negativity, you keep it alive and around you. In other words, you are feeding it and giving it new life and so it tends to stick around. Example, don’t dwell on what you don’t have, look at what you do have. Don’t dwell on the illness, loss of work, what mistakes have been made. Your best days are still ahead of you. They are in front of you. You’ve heard the saying, the best is yet to come. Well, detox your mind and it will be. Strength and victory can be yours. Keeps thoughts of faith, hope and be determined to be a valor and have victory. It takes as much energy to think positive as it does to think negative.

Now, once people have detoxified their bodies of the chemicals and pesticides that have occurred as a result of their diets over the years, they tend to see improvement in some areas and even feel better - more energized, more creative, more healthier. Well, by detoxing your mind of these negative thoughts, you can put yourself on a spiritual diet to obtain victory and joy. Don’t you think its time to bring that back into your life? Lets get back the confidence. Instead of saying I can’t do this, why not turn it around and think, how can I make this possible and have it happen. Let go of disappointments and hurts, learn from them, then turn it around. It is possible and you hold the key. Do you have faith? Do you believe in God? Well, if He leads you to it, he’ll lead you through it. God loves you and wants you to overcome. He wants you to be happy, enjoy the day you’ve been given. If someone tries to dampen your spirit, think to yourself, who do they think they are? I refuse to let them rain on my parade. This day is a gift and I’ve decided to be happy and face things with strength. Smile at the person and walk away. Leave the misery behind you. Don’t give in to why can’t you be like your brother or sister. Why can’t you be smarter in school. How can you not grasp or understand my concern? Or what about this one, you know you’ll never amount to nothing, you’ll never succeed, etc. You are who you are. You are unique and different from everyone else. People haven’t been cloned to be alike in every aspect. You are who God wants you to be. All things are possible with faith. What matters is what God thinks of us. That is precisely how I made it through some of my younger years. I was different and considered strange because of my ‘gifts’ that I was given. People didn’t understand and some may have even been scared. At first, it bugged me immensely. Then I got over it. I don’t care what they think or say. What matters is how I feel and think and what God thinks. He thought me worthy which is why he made me different than them. Or it could be I’m more sensitive to things than they were. It helped me to think differently and by thinking God doesn’t think of me as a freak or as scary, then I didn’t let those thoughts penetrate my mind anymore.

Try detoxing the mind. It might just do you better then you can imagine. Brightest blessings!

Written by LAA in 2009 - reposted.